
Colonial Apothecaries Essay

Decent Essays

Colonial Research Project

Sarah Kong
February 26, 2018

Apothecary; noun a person who prepared and sold medicine and drugs. Have you ever wondered what came before doctors? That kind of occupation was for apothecaries. I chose this particular job for my research project because apothecaries use a lot of interesting objects, and were way different than present-day doctors and pharmacists.

In Europe, folks who were selling wine, spices, and herbs were known as apothecaries. They prepared and sold medicine directly to patients. Apothecaries also gave out medical advice and sold out many different products.

Colonial apothecaries practiced as doctors, made house calls to treat patients, provided medical treatment, prescribed medicine, …show more content…

They are very similar. Both used chalk for heartburn, calamine for skin irritations, and cinchona bark for fevers. Later, apothecaries found out that cinchona bark contained quinine for malaria, and quinidine for cardiac problems. But medical treatment was very expensive, so that led to the colonists to self-diagnose and treat their own problems.

Medical treatment was expensive and people frequently diagnose themselves, and the way they treated themselves was (1. The remedy was passed down from tradition, (2. They were guided by folklore, or (3. by books. To cure headaches, for example, the colonists often used a remedy that contained roses and vinegar. The rose petals are steeped into vinegar, and then they were applied topically.
In some trades, the apothecaries’ skill and knowledge were secret, and little about them were published in books. For apothecaries and surgeons, there were textbooks, and many of them survived. The National Library of Medicine, the nation’s largest medical library, published a bibliography of the eighteenth-century books in its collection. Most of the 501 pages are titles of things such as medical theory, midwifery, pharmacy, surgery, and diseases. Apothecaries were crucial to

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