
Colonial Panama Essay

Decent Essays

Historically, slaves brought from Africa became prominent actors in colonial Panama society. They took the place of indigenous people in almost all the rigorous labor, particularly, in the Zona de Tránsito. They became the dominant group demographically, and aided Spaniard in the construction of colonial buildings, complying and obeying to the European culture, and carrying out various jobs (Calvo, 3). African diaspora in Panama came in two influxes. The first arrivals touched Panamanians coastlines during the XVI and XVII and part of the XVIII century. They came as slaves proceeding from different African tribes such as Minas, Carabalíes, Papo, Angola, Mondongo, Congo, Mozambique, Mandingo, Biafra, etc. (Castillo, 7). For this reason, the descendants of African colonial slaves identified themselves as Afro Hispano or Afro Coloniales in modern Panama society. The second influx of the African diaspora came from the Antilleans, and took place during the constructions of "the Panamanian railroad, The French- led Panama Canal"( posteriorly, United States-led), "and the bananas plantations in the nineteenth century" (Montero,35). The difference between this group and the former is the condition in which they arrive. …show more content…

On the one hand, the Afrocoloniales are an outcome of racial mestizaje, and as a group, designate themselves by their nationality, that is Panamanian. Whereas, the Afro-Antillano group are "immigrant and followed the ethnic model of their natives countries---Jamaica and Barbados," and designate themselves as negros" (Watson, 28:2015). Thus, it 's hard to talk about black identity in Panama due to the fluidity of the concept that encompasses two groups that possess different racial identity, cultural traditions and

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