
Colonial Virginia Diary Entries

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I am ecstatic to know that you are alive and well. It feels like it has been an eternity since you were born 23 years ago in our very own home in England. I still remember the day that I had to leave you, tears swelling up in my eyes, I left when you were only at the age of 8! It killed me to leave you, knowing I would probably never see you or your mother's face ever again. But here we are, communicating by letter from distant colonies in the new world. At least I can sigh of relief knowing that you are in the same country as me. Maybe someday we will be able to see each other. Until then, I do know that you and I have plenty of work to do developing our isolated distant colonies. To this day I still dream of you, me and your own mother meeting …show more content…

I was walking towards the South East corner of the city where the founder of the Virginia lives. His name is Captain John Smith. While I was walking I passed Felicia and Bubby. They told me that they loved that they were safe from the Spanish. They told me a quick story about how dangerous Spanish boats and the sailors on them were. I nodded and kept walking. Then I passed by Bubby’s and Felicia’s ill parents. They told me that when they settled the water seemed almost perfect, but the colonists ruined it and contaminated it. They said that they were sick because of the contaminated water. I got them some biscuits, wished them well and went on my way. I then peered over my shoulder to see what was happening. There was a new ship coming in with new supplies. Effortlessly people hauled the cargo off the ship standing on the dock and into the town center. I looked forward again and now jogging because the night was coming, I continued on to John Smith’s house. When I first got there I knocked on the solid wood door of the small cabin like structure. John Smith answered the door and I asked him my question. He walked out of his house and sat on the ground next to me. I then sat next to him. He told me that there were three main reasons he chose to settle in this area in Virginia. He said that the sea provided protection against the Spanish. “Hmm, coincidence” I thought, remembering when Bubby and Felicia had told me about the Spanish and their boats. Then John Smith said the second reason wass because they thought they had a fresh supply of water near the settlement. Although this proved to be wrong after the colonists contaminated the water. And once again a coincidence had happened. Bubby and Felicia's mother and father had been talking about how they got sick, by the contaminated water. Then John Smith told me that the last reason wa

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