
Colonize Mars

Satisfactory Essays

Scientists have been thinking about colonizing Mars and it is an great idea because they could find the discoveries on Mars. Have you ever thought of going to Mars, it would be really interesting to see all of Mars’ features. Astronauts should colonize Mars because we could discover what is on Mars, they would have a lot of time to prepare and why do they even want to go to mars?
NASA wants to go to mars because Mars is a great place for scientific descovorys. Mars has every thing we need to live. If you went to mars there would only be a few things we need to live a space suit, water, food, and clothes. Mars is also a great place to colonize because Mars has the biggest volcanic mountain. Also if you would like to go to Mars you have to be 18 years or older. …show more content…

Mars is a really good place to colonize because it is really cold on Mars which, means that the inside is frozen and if the colonizers can melt that they would have endless water. NASA is not going to send colonizers every day. They have to send people at the right time because the sun is blocking Mars and if they send them at the wrong time they will go right into the sun. Earth is a overpopulated place so if we go to Mars and its fine to live there our earth would not be overpopulated anymore. Also NASA is not going to force you to go to Mars you can go to Mars if you are experienced and you want to

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