
Color Blindness

Decent Essays

Psychology college students attending the University of California, Los Angeles were asked to complete this experiment as a course requirement. The sample size was twenty-one students. When conducting the experiment, we did not ask if the students had any disabilities such as color blindness or blindness. Every student just went through with the experiment without any questions being asked. All participants were asked to be the experimenter and the subject of the study.
A within-subject design was used, which means that every person who participated was exposed to both conditions or treatments. In this case, the participant served as the subject, but also as the person conducting the experiment. This caused …show more content…

First of all, there were two posters, which were the same width and length. The two posters had five words that are the same, but in four different orders and using different colors for each. The words were divided into blocks, two columns and two rows. The ink colors that were used were: red, green, yellow, black, and blue. To measure the response times a timer was used. The times were in seconds and milliseconds. To record the times, response time sheets were used, where the participant recorded their own individual time.
The participants were randomly assigned into either group N or group I. For both groups the participants were told that they had to say the color of the ink of the word from the top left column to the bottom right column. The participant was asked to come inside the room looking down and line up on the line that was on the floor. They were read the instructions and were asked to repeat, in their own words, what they were to do. Once the instructions were read, the experimenter asked the participant to look up and begin. These instructions were the same in both rooms. The participant was approximately five feet from the poster, and the poster was placed at about the same height in both …show more content…

In this case the treatment was whether the ink of the color and the word differ, such as the word blue in the ink color red. For both posters, each word began with the same letter (e.g. boat and blue), color, order of the same letter and color, number of syllables, and the number of letters per word were the same. Mistakes made were not penalized, the participant was simply told that if they made a mistake to fix it and move on. The participants not only served as subjects, but also experimenters. Once they served both roles, they moved on to the next group. When the response time was said, the participant was responsible for writing their own time. The experimenter was responsible for stopping and starting the watch. Both rooms were in a controlled setting, the lighting, temperature, and the amount of people inside the room were controlled. Room N and I were clearly labelled.
The words that were used in the control group were, starting from the left column: boat, yogurt, brain, rat, and goose. The words used are five English words and the colors that were used were red, green, yellow, black, and blue. This study was conducted at approximately 9:00 a.m on Wednesday April 5th. In order to record the data of the whole class, every person said their own score out loud for both group N and I and we took the

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