The article “Gene therapy for red- green colour blindness in adult primates” by Katherine Mancuso and her colleges is about the possibility of curing color blindness. This test was done on adult squirrel monkeys that were missing the L- opsin gene. Out of the three cones humans have (short (S), long (L), or the middle (M) photoreceptor) only the L-or-M cone is responsible for red- green colour blindness. Many female squirrel monkeys have the ability to access all three photoreceptors giving them the ability for trichromatic color vision, but males are dichromats meaning they are missing the L-or- M gene causing them to be color blind. In order to correct this color deficiency a third type of pigment was added to the monkeys retinas to provide them with the receptors that are necessary in order obtain trichromatic color vision. Over the span of a year the scientists observed that before the treatment the monkeys couldn’t decipher between blue green and red violet. After they started to develop a new pigment (due to the injection) in the cone photoreceptors scientists discovered that the monkeys now reacted to the colors they couldn’t see before. The scientists concluded primates benefited from the injection and that they were able to see colors they were invisible to them before, and that the findings in this experiment could …show more content…
We are an advanced society: we have the cure to numerous diseases, we’ve cloned animals, and we have successfully separated conjoined twins, yet we cant give a small fraction of the population the ability to see life in full color! One evolutionary development that humans have is the capacity to see in color and when we can’t see greens or reds it’s psychologically damaging. Not being able to see life it its colorful form is frustrating and inconvenient. Something that seems so insignificant to many would be a huge scientific
Chromophobia has the ability to manifest in many ways as it desperately tries to eradicate color from culture, in consequence diminishing its significance is to deny
Introduction: The gene that codes for red-green color blindness, the most common form of color blindness in humans, is found on the X chromosome. One in 12 males is color blind. In females, however, color blindness affects only about 1 in 200. Why is
I would ever want that, it’s like living in the Andy Griffith show. If you saw no color can you imagine how plan your life would be? For example look at this quote. “Days went by, and weeks.
The Jane Goodall Institute website provides information about the projects regarding the protection of chimpanzees and other primates. Based on the institute’s initiative to protect the primates by providing education to the community, supporting sanctuaries, and working with law enforcements (website JGI). Furthermore, the information provided on the program Roots & Shoots points out a guide to those interested in helping the wild life, and provides aid to elaborate new plans to help the primates. The first step is to acknowledge the problem, in this case is finding a way to protect the chimpanzees. Second, to elaborate a pan, the JGI conservation program uses technology such as cloud computing and remote sensing to provide up to date information on the
Police departments across the country have come under scrutiny for racial bias in their stops and
The study of primates has been a common field of study for a long time. The studies are carried out for different reasons but the common reason is trying to understand human beings better. Studies have revealed that the behavior of primates is similar to that of human beings on different aspects. Human beings and primates have a history of being related based on the evolution stories. The earliest human beings are believed to have been apes and evolved from there.
The captivity of primates in zoos can be viewed as maltreatment by animal welfare organizations since confining them in such establishments is going against their rights to be liberated and it may cause some unwanted stress, yet zoos provide various enrichment programs, medicinal assistance, scheduled meals that are appropriate for the primate’s diet, and conservation of the said animal. Primate captivity in zoos can be regarded as both moral and unethical for it imprisons primates, however, as their natural habitat dwindles, zoos also preserve primate population through captive breeding. Furthermore, zoos simultaneously deform the lives of the primates, garner sympathetic reactions from humans for these creatures, and inform
As previously discussed, the American Dream gives opportunities to individuals who may have been born poor to become financially stable later on in life. The American Dream is colorblind because it is only meant for and applies to the majority, Caucasian people; which is a belief of many African Americans. Historically, African Americans have been denied full access to the Dream but are continuously working to achieve the dream of economic success. Stephen Cernkovich, Peggy Giordano, and Jennifer Rudolph's (2000) study suggest that African Americans downgrade the importance of economic success on the basis of their inability to achieve these goals. It is unfortunate and unfair that African Americans
First, those leaders who demonstrate a colorblind perspective do so in varied ways. The variation is characterized by a version of what Bonilla-Silva refers to as minimization. According to Bonilla-Silva, the issue of minimization is that while “whites and blacks believe discrimination is still a problem, they dispute its salience as a factor explaining blacks’ collective standing” (p. 91). Among these leaders, minimization occurs in two types of school settings – either school settings with small populations of students of color or diverse high-poverty settings. In these settings, race is constructed as a non-issue or as insignificant in comparison to poverty and therefore ignored.
Looking back to the previous answers, I relate to these key details. First, because I was part of the predominant racial group, race didn’t need to be discussed. There was some color-blindness in the way we viewed race. Second, I can see there is a difference between “Hispanics” and “blacks” in Colombia, nevertheless this difference has not been as strong as it has been in the United States. Still, it is sad to see that there are more differences between Colombians due to corruption and internal armed conflicts. Power has corrupted our society making us enemies among each other. Unfortunately, it is no longer “whites” against “blacks;” for the last 50 years in Colombia it has been “Colombian” against “Colombian.” Skin tone is not an issue,
One of the most variable aspects of the eyes in primates is the sclera. The sclera in primates comes in multiple different pigments and SSI as seen in figure 2. In research on human eyes, evidence concludes that through the sclera, health, age and emotion can be detected; redden or yellow sclera detects decreased health, increased age, and even emotions of sadness or irritation, whereas bright white sclera represents increased overall health [4]. The true purpose for the evolution of the sclera is not completely clear, but many implications can be made to help researchers better understand the complex evolution of the eye. One of the major topics for research on the eye is the discovery that the purpose of the white sclera is to amplify gaze direction whereas the darker colored sclera is to do the opposite; hide gaze direction from predators [5]. Not only can the sclera help detect emotion and gaze but is a major factor in the evolution of communication between primates.
As of now I am colorblind; I see the world in black and white. I am waiting for the day that I finally experience the explosion of color that the world is. From La Tomatina, an annual tomato fight in Valencian, Spain to more disturbing traditions like the “Mourning of Muharram” where Shia Muslims attach knives to whips and beat
Based on the findings that one has discovered in life itself, in essence, color helps with the flows of life in a way that it can determines your thoughts, emotions, and decisions. In my research I gained a vast amount knowledge and from what I’ve learned; now I can explain colors in depth, with a great amount of detail. If colors were non-existent, then, there would be a very grey look upon life. Colors brings forth light, and the light brings forth living. The world displays colors for a reason and it’s very important to life.
There has been lots of research studying the causes and solutions of color blindness and there has also been many tests in the way of experiments. After many trials, the EnChroma glasses reigned as the best, most beneficial solution to color blindness. The glasses have improved tens of thousands of color blind people’s lives by giving them the ability to see colors they once were unable to see. By brightening the saturation in red and green light, people with color blindness are able to differentiate between certain colors when tested. The difference in the color vision in each person’s sight has changed their lives forever and also helped the individuals go throughout their lives more smoothly with less complications. Now that people can see new, bright colors, they are able to go throughout their lives and do things they could not do before. Not only do the EnChroma glasses improve individuals’ lives and make their daily tasks easier, it also changes their outlook on the world and how the person views the world since they are able to see new, vivid
This year, Researchers introduced Americans to the first gene-modified rhesus monkey named ANDi. Andi, which stands for “inserted DNA” spelled backwards, was born at Oregon Regional Primate Research Center at Oregon Health Sciences University. For the first time, scientists have modified the DNA of a primate species, whose genetic coding varies from people by only slightly more than 1 percent (Onion 1). ANDi was endowed with a gene for fluorescence. The fluorescence gene was extracted from a jellyfish and inserted into the embryonic material that eventually gave rise to ANDi (Jelliffe 1). Numerous Americans are not familiar with the topic of Andi because many sources of the media such as the news, the paper, and even magazines