
Color Experience Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Experiences of Students of Color Mark A. Chesler, a professor of Sociology, conducted a study consisting of 15 student focus groups about the classroom experiences of students of color. The students were asked the following questions: “Have you ever been made uncomfortable by assumptions or comments in the class related to your race and/or ethnicity? Do your instructors expect you to do well? Are there ways in which the faculty could make the subject matter of certain courses more meaningful to you? Has an instructor done something constructive about race relations in or out of class?” The themes found in the student responses were: faculty’s low expectations of students, lack of understanding of the backgrounds of students of color, …show more content…

The first category, faculty attitudes and beliefs, includes but is not limited to the faculty’s expectations for the students of color and understanding of student’s educational, economic, personal background. The second category, faculty treatment and interaction with students of color, includes how the faculty member consciously and unconsciously interacts with the student both inside and outside the classroom. The third category, course pedagogy and curriculum, refers to the methods and theories used by the professor to instruct their class, as well as, the presence of diversity in the course material. Lastly, classroom climate and culture refers to the environment cultivated by the professor in the classroom. Creating an inclusive classroom environment is difficult because sometimes faculty members are not aware of the “forced” exclusion between peers that occurs in student grouping, conversations during breaks, and/or the ignoring or shutting down of a student of color in class discussions. Despite the difficulty that comes with identifying the covert or “invisible” dynamics present in the classroom, it is the faculty member’s responsibility to provide all students with the opportunity to engage meaningfully with course material,

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