I am writing to you to request if you could complete an online survey on my behalf as I try out for a leadership position. If you didn't know, I’ve been involved in marching band and winter guard for three years now, and for my final year I would love to have the advantage to help lead the color guard team as a captain. A recommendation from you would be much appreciated and help provide information to Mr. Fleischmann with selecting a captain for next year. If you would like to help me, the survey is attached at the bottom of this request. Thank you for your consideration and support.
In this organization I can contribute by showing my full potential I’m a very hardworking and determined person, I will help by being focused and assertive with everything I do. I have learned a lot from being the co-captain of the jv cheerleading team last winter and also being the captain for the jv cheerleading team this season, I have learned that communication is the key to all success and that if you don’t communicate things will become more difficult for you and your peers around you. Another thing I’ve learned is to adapt to change quickly and that any change that you or others make can be for tthe greater good of you and them, during last season of me being co-captain i learned to persevere through anything that i find hard and I
The guard revoted and the winning vote was me. All the girls saw me as their savior, and I was not going to let them down. They were my babies and I was going to lead them to success. The girls became confident and felt better having me as a captain. Some qualities that I have that made me be a great captain was being on task. I could slide a few jokes but i'd never get off track. I also never really yelled at them or raise my voice, i'm usually calm and mellow. Which for me was good because whenever they goofed around I would slightly raise my voice and they would all get scared and know I was not messing around. I also did not have a problem with any of them and I got along with all and was their friend, if they ever needed anything. I think the same applies for band because I have no problems with any of the band kids because i'm well known and liked. I also don't let anyone bring me down and I always speak up for myself or for others. I think my personality and characteristics give me an advantage of being in the leadership spot of drum
Throughout my school years, I have always tried to be a positive role model for younger students as well as my peers. This year I decided that the best way to serve my school was to participate in our school’s Student Leadership Council. It has proven to be a fantastic decision for me. I succeeded in getting the most votes out of all of the candidates and have had a great experience taking a leadership role in my school. I feel like I have become a much better leader and role model because of Student Leadership Council. I have been really fortunate to be exposed to the Jeter’s Leaders program, since they come to our school to mentor us as SLC members. It has been an incredible experience, and I would really love to continue with it. As an eighth grader at Saint Augustine, we are required to mentor our younger students. I
The Royal Canadian Air Cadets is an example of a community activity that I have actively taken many leadership roles in. Having served the Royal Canadian Air Cadets for more than four years with the 540 Golden Hawks Squadron, I partake in various activities. I have also learned numerous invaluable life and work skills such as teamwork, leadership and confidence, all of which are not spoon-fed to us, but rather acquired from the experiences that I have been through with cadets. We are constantly coached and supervised by Officers who encourage us to lead others. As we age and climb up the ranks, we are encountered with many leadership opportunities that we are strongly encouraged to take.
I recently completed my Eagle Scout rank, achieving the highest honor in Boy Scouts, and I am also a brotherhood member of scouting's honor society, the Order of the Arrow. I served a six month term as Senior Patrol Leader, the most senior scout leader within my troop, as well as serving as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for one term. Before that, I did three six month terms as Troop Guide, a position in which I acclimated first year scouts to the troop, teaching them the ways of scouting. My experience in Boy Scouts has presented an abundance of opportunities for me to develop my leadership skills, giving me a competitive advantage over other candidates.
Describe any past leadership positions in the QACPS Music Program and/or non-school related organizations. I used to be the trumpet section leader in Stevensville Middle School during 7th and 8th grade. I help out with the High School uniforms for choir and band ensembles. I got another person's solo in last season's marching show, because they were not able to attend a Tournament Of Bands. I had another solo during Jazz band last year, and worked very hard to make sure it sounded great.
This is Faith Cox and welcome to my section leader essay. As you may know, I am now a junior in the Lewisburg band program and maintain the position of second chair in the French horn section. Last year I applied as a sophomore, and I can confidently say I have not only gathered more experience over the past year, but I have also become even more passionate about band. That passion has led me to once again apply for section leader. However, this time I am much more matured as a musician, and I am eager to see my section succeed as they have in the past and help them in any way they may need.
I've been involved in my high school's marching band since the start of my freshman year, and it takes an extreme amount of time, hard work, and dedication. I'm considering joining the “Pride of the Southland” band or a drum corps group to continue bettering myself in color guard. It is not a recognized sport, but it is a huge part of who I am, and I wouldn't want to be spending my time anywhere else then on the band field. Being captian of my guard of twenty girls, has taught be great responsibility, how to earn people’s respect,and what it takes to be a great leader. I truly do believe I could be a wonderful assest to a major color guard by taking everything I've learned,and all my experiences in the last four years from my current marching
My dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm for cheerleading set me apart from the other applicants, along with my diversity with different types of cheerleading. I have 15 years of cheer experience at the all-star, junior high, high school, and at the collegiate level. I feel like this makes me a very well rounded leader because I have cheered with many different personalities and worked with coaches at each of these levels. As an all-star cheerleader, my coach selected me to perform an individual routine, I was a captain of my junior high cheer team, and was able to work closely with my high school cheer coach to help run practice after an jury my junior year. I hope that if I were to be selected to represent Hendrix College Cheerleading’s
When I went to Pike High School I participated in an activity called color guard for four years. Color guard is a performing arts activity that incorporates dance while using flags, rifles, and sabers. When I began this activity I barely understood what I was getting myself into. Our team got abandoned by our coach for most of the winter season my freshman year, so our show was pretty awful. We went to competitions with expectations of losing and embarrassment among our peers. At this point everyone was discouraged about how our winter season ended. It was not far to the seniors who gave their whole high school years for this activity. Something had to be changed to in order for our team to progress in the future. Second semester our guard Director, Mr. Emmert, hired Nick Bledsoe as our new coach. Though he was a skinny short white guy with blond hair something about him was intimidating. He walked into the guard room like he owned the place. He sat up with such a great posture that I straightened up from my usual slouch. The seniors did not like Nick too much, but their only wish for him was to not give up on us. From that day forward Nick dedicated his work towards our team regardless of how challenging it was to manage. My guard coach Nick was amazing because of how passionate he was about his profession at my high school.
I am auditioning to be an officer because I believe I can make Company a great experience for everyone on it and be a strong leader and representative of Cottonwood Dance. I think that having a strong leader is fundamental to the success of a group. My physics teacher, Ms. Richey, is someone I look up to as a leader; she makes class fun and engages us while still clearly getting the information across. She is also very confident in her abilities and will straight up shut you down (kindly) if you are trying to make up a physics scenario that is not possible. She is so intelligent yet fun that I aspire to be like her when I have to be a leader. I believe I am qualified to be an officer this year because I have had a couple of different
I started out as a student-athlete in which I depicted great leadership skills and positive role model qualities such as diligence, enthusiasm, and passion for the sport. Hence, after my first year of college, I was named the team captain. I worked closely with the coaches, helped to resolve team conflicts, established the tone for practice, and modeled responsibility, decision-making, and a strong work ethic. I also promoted a positive attitude and team interactions, and encouraged and supported all of my teammates. Throughout my experience as team captain, I showed mental toughness by remaining confident and focus, and respond to individual and team mistakes in an appropriate manner.
As an officer in the United States Army, it has been imperative for me to understand every facet of leadership and why it remains important to be an effective leader. During this course, I have learned some valuable lessons about myself as a leader and how I can improve on my leadership ability in the future. The journal entries along with the understanding of available leadership theories have been an integral part of my learning during this course. For all of the journals and assessments that I completed, I feel it has given me a good understanding of my current leadership status and my future potential as a leader. All of the specific assessments looked at several areas in regards to leadership; these assessments covered several
Personal statement: What leadership and service qualities do you have which you feel would make you an excellent addition to the University Marshals? How do you serve as a leader?
My strong desire is to support the Navy's combat readiness and to ensure the personal and professional development of our Sailors and Marines that support the dynamic operational commitments of today's Navy. If only one candidate is selected, please know that I am that candidate, possessing the right skills sets, at the right time to be commission to