
Color Guard Speeches

Decent Essays

The flag waves majestically in the wind above me, or, that’s what I’ve been told it would be doing if the flagless practice pole in my hand was actually a color guard flag. Learning color guard is boring and, I couldn’t care less about marching slowly with the American flag. And, the dumb egoistic guy who demands we scream, “aye, P.O,” after everything he says, is not improving my mood. I want to be inside shooting an air rifle, but instead I’m loathing color guard. It is the millionth time I have gotten stuck with a task I didn’t want to do since I joined my Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) unit, and, quite frankly, I’m worn out.
“Freeman, come here, I need to talk with you,” my Commanding Officer, Jason Snyder demands. …show more content…

I waited a few seconds to come up with a good excuse to not command, but to no avail, I couldn’t. I held Jason in double-trust, he is my friend, and a superior, so, I reluctantly replied that I’d do it.
The next six months consisted of me reluctantly training junior varsity color guard. The first drill meet came and I, single handedly, lost our team 20 points (a big deal since we are scored out of 100). Needless to say, we didn’t win. I decided to keep at it and give it one more try, but, I wasn’t feeling too good about continuing as the commander. By the time we were on the bus back from the second drill meet I had led my team to two losses. I was done, I was frustrated and tired. It didn’t help that Russell, the kid in charge of the JV military drill team had secured two first place wins, with perfect scores.
Jason knew I was done approached me about color guard. “Look, Lillian, I know you don’t want to be the color guard commander. I need you to trust me, you are the best person for the job. We need you to not quit quite yet. And, if you won’t do it for the team, do it for yourself.”
“Fine, but only this time, the last time. I swear, and if we don’t win, I’m done for

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