The Color Run that holds per year opened in West Tulsa last Saturday morning. My American friends invited me, but I could not nearly join them because I did not buy a ticket. Nevertheless, my friends helped me join together, I finally joined them. I was late a little bit, but I met friends and took my stuffs for the festival. After the color run started, friends and I began running. While we were running, people sprinkled color powder on us. I started smearing the color powder on friends as a joke, and they also smeared the color powder on me. Although my body were covered by the color powder, friends and I still enjoyed the festival until finish line. As soon as we reached the finish line, we got a medal. After I had lunch with friends, we
Yet another accomplishment has been achieved at Chino Hills High School that only adds to the prosperity and Husky spirit of this illustrious and triumphant school. This year, Color Guard participated in and won a variety of championships including the WGI Circuit-Western Open Class Championships, West Coast Winter Circuit-Open Class Championships with a first place medal, the WGASC Circuit with a silver medal, and the WGI Open World Class Championships in Dayton, Ohio which they took 16th place in out of the world. When interviewing Kaitlyn Parsons (Captain), Mallory Williams, Ashley Kearns, Hunter Adams, and Nina Penzo (Captain) about this prodigious attainment, they each stated that it has been an unforgettable journey that has been both an individual and a team effort. Members of Color guard are split into two teams,
Colorguard is an intense, exhilirating and fun sport. It involves dance, spinning wooden rifles, flags and sabres. But what stops everyone from joining is not knowing how to spin the objects, specificly the rifle. Yes, learning how to spin the rifle correctly can be frustrating but with plenty of the right practice and effort, it'll be a piece of cake.
Color guard has morphed over time; from a royal and regimented important civic duty honoring the kings, rulers and dynasties, to a strategic place on a battlefield and, finally, to an honorable activity commemorating the pride that one has in their school, college or branch of armed service. The guarding of colors dates back to ancient times and is mainly documented from the Roman era. The use of the flag becomes specific and the use portrays a clear message by the ninth century in Islam. Later, in the fifteenth century in England, color guard corps emerges as a strategic functioning group on the battlefield and this structure reaches its height in the seventeenth century in Europe and the Americas. Color guard is now firmly planted into modern military, religion and band as more of a display of pride rather than the earlier tactical function.
“Stay in your toaster!” With every move, the flag must stay right in front of our body and right behind our backs. This one simple rule is embedded in every guard girl’s mind. Color guard requires to do various actions at once. For instance, we must remember the sequence of the choreography, march in step, find the right drill spot, and smile. One simple mistake with a flag allows all eyes on you. As the guard girls performs with flags, there’s three different types of girls on the field. There is the hard worker, the slacker, and the hardworker and the slacker combined.
Many people have a concept of what color guard is about. People who dance at football games spinning flags, sabers, and rifles alongside with the marching band. But for me, color guard is much more than just
Color Guard: Now and Then Gracie D. Dupre Bethel University U.S. History 212 April 1, 2018 Abstract This essay contains information on the evolution of color guard. From the meaning of the sport to the uniforms, there will be information present. Color guard began in roughly 1805 to 1810, when armies started using flags and banners to represent their regiment.
Who knew that I would fall in love with Color guard and Winter guard. “Color guard uses various equipment, such as flags, rifles, and sabres, along with dance, to express dynamic passages in the music accompanying the marching band show or winterguard show. Usually marching bands and color guards perform during football games at halftime, out of tradition.” The sport of the arts has impacted my life in many ways such as: letting me use a God given talent to spread his word, help to express my feelings, and to meet new people and make a life long relationships.
Breathe in the music, and out the performance” is something that freshman Regan Hoyt tells herself before every performance. Color guard has been a sport of the arts that has evolved from primarily a military activity, to a world wide sport.
The definition of a sport is as follows, “Noun; an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.”. I would argue that colorguard, an activity in which one spins flags, weapons, batons, and props with the marching band, should be considered a sport (
Since I have been in middle school, I have been fascinated by the color, sound, and the beauty of color guard. I never realized what I was getting myself into when I joined. Instead, I recognized the gorgeous girls with bright makeup and shiny flag silks. I didn’t seem to realize that this activity would soon completely consume my existence for the four upcoming years. Color guard is a talent that has shaped my life, and provided me with the self-confidence I never knew I could possess.
It was the second color run they had hosted, and it was very successful. Mr. Moravek recommended that I reach out to the people who ran the event and ask questions about it. I emailed the teachers who ran student council at Libertyville and she got me in touch with the students who have been in charge of the event for the last few years. I had a list of questions prepared, and I set up a time where we could talk on the phone. When on the phone, I learned that their run had around 250 participants, and they raised about $7,000 for a local foundation. They set up their event so each runner had a wristband, and they sent the runners in different waves organized by the color of their wristband. When i had asked about the color powder they had used, they said that they have used many different powder companies and have found that it is all the same, so it doesn't really matter where you get the powder from. For the volunteers, that throw the color on the runners, they had asked their boys and girls track team to help out, since IHSA rules prohibit them to participate in races during their season. They recommended that we use condiment squeeze bottles to throw powder on the runners. With the bottles it is a much more accurate throw, and is much easier to get the runners covered in powder. I figured that we can get
Passion; deriving from the Latin word “passio” meaning suffering. A life of passion is all about “suffering” for something worthwhile. My love and passion is shown through the form of body movement and leadership; the involvement I have within color guard allows me to explore and develop this passion I have for my artistic expression and cause. The work I have put forth to harness and nurture my passion is what has made me the leader and motivator I am today. Color Guard is an art that incorporates dance, performance, body awareness, flag, and/or weapon manipulating.
In 1968, Elvis sat down to record an amazing Christmas television special. This special is one like we had never seen before and something we still look to for inspiration. It features close-up concerts with The King's most loyal fans, backstories from his life and career, and even a special performance of Elvis's favorite Christmas song, 'Blue Christmas'.
Politics is a bloodsport, one big game of corruption, muckraking, prostitution, and defilement, which is played by the politicians, the media, and the seemingly innocent public that tends to forget that politicians are humans also, no better than the masses except for one thing, the ability to play the game. Primary Colors by Anonymous portrays this fraudulent game perfectly, exhibiting all of the dark aspects of a political campaign: from the vicious media in their pursuit of scandals, to the traitorousness of opposing candidates to destroy each other, all the way to the secretive sexual interactions taking place during the campaigning process. Yet in this vice-corrupted novel, Anonymous also manages to let the human side of the tainted
Color fills our world with beauty. We delight in the colors of a magnificent sunset and in the bright red and golden-yellow leaves of autumn. We are charmed by gorgeous flowering plants and the brilliantly colored arch of a rainbow. We also use color in various ways to add pleasure and interest to our lives. For example, many people choose the colors of their clothes carefully and decorate their homes with colors that create beautiful, restful, or exciting effects. By their selection and arrangement of colors, artists try to make their paintings more realistic or expressive.