As I reflect on my life, I remember seeing my momma go to college for the first time when I was 7 years old. I was the third of four girls. I could sense the fear she was feeling, but at the same time, I could see the bravery. She was very proud of herself, but scared to death. The fear was saddled with an abundance of other responsibilities. As if having four girls was not already an overwhelming responsibility, she also had the enormous responsibility of being a pastor’s wife. Through prayer, her strength came from the Lord Jesus Christ. She received most of her encouragement from Daddy. He had a passion for her to go to college because he knew it was something she wanted deep within her.
As a young child, I was not fully aware of just how
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I have three responsible grown children of my own and a 3-year-old granddaughter, all of whom I am very proud. I work full time and have the pleasure of spending every evening with my granddaughter. I am involved in the Lord’s work with my church to include, but not limited to, singing in the ensemble and choir, playing the piano for service, and teaching a Sunday school class. As with my momma, my strength comes from my Lord Jesus Christ. My encouragement comes from my Daddy, my children, my sisters, extended family, co-workers, and church family.
My momma passed away a year ago. She was brave when I was 7, and she was even braver when she graduated when I was 17, she was the bravest in her passing when I was 48. She endured a battle with cancer more than once, the last of which took her life. Her bravery was shown in her faith in Jesus.
This lifelong event will make all the difference in the world as I journey through my studies at Colorado
Christian University exercising the bravery and faith in Jesus Christ as the most gracious and precious one who has gone before
The book Chains, by Laurie Halse Anderson, shows that true strength is achieved by fighting for what you believe in. Isabel looks up to the memory of her father when he showed true strength to protect his family. When Isabel tries to show true strength to prove to herself that she is a lion she fails. When Isabel believes that she can save Ruth, Isabel achieves true strength. Isabel is not born with the true strength she shows later in the book; it is through struggle that Isabel attains it, just like her father, when it became necessary.
Perseverance and a strong spirit had been methodically etched by God into the essence of this beautiful woman. These characteristics are only gained through overcoming challenges by which her accomplishments display. Delays often came that made her progress slow, but her persistence made both her, and her love, sure and steady.
(Baptist Young Peoples’ Union), and the Sunday school. She would later sing in the Senior Choir for over 50 years. On this particular afternoon during our visit, I was overjoyed to join her in singing her favorite hymn, “Lead Me, Guide Me.” She chimed in with a melodious alto voice as I struggled to sing soprano. Another one of her favorites is, “It Is Well with My Soul.”
First, she exhibited extreme bravery when
Through her childhood upbringing, she developed a strong Faith in God and a compassion to help others.
Do you think we find strength within ourselves or do you think we take strength from whats going on around us ? I feel that we take strength from within ourselves not from what we do because you cant take power from whats going on around you but how you react to it is from the strength you find within. In the book Copper sun written by Sharon M. Draper shows in many situations where the characters had to evolve and take strength from within themselves to function and carry on instead of just giving up or just giving in. The book also does a good job of explaining the characters feeling toward their circumstances to where you can relate. Especially when she explains multiple characters points of view on one situation.
While waiting for her papers she worked in parishes and taught Religious Education to youth and adults. She was also in charge of young groups.
and got others involved in prayers (Regan, 2015, p.59). She always found time to pray to her
I also help out my church extensively with benefit dinners, and I will provide my singing talents to them whenever they need them; I was even asked to join their church board as a Junior Member.
Despite my experience at St Christopher's, I still dreamed of being allowed to implement just one music program based on apostolic principles in just one Anglican parish in the Diocese. Somehow I knew God would reward my persistence with yet another chance. The call came sooner than I had expected; this time from the Reverend Fran Willis, rector of St. Timothy’s Anglican Church.
Every holiday Dayon looked forward to conducting a small production at her grandmother’s house, which involved a lot of singing. Her family applauded and cheered them on as she directed the younger generation to produce a memorable performance. As time passed, she became a member of the church choir, then the school choir, leading her to become a member of the church praise team. Through commitment and dedication, she became one of the lead singers during Sunday morning worship services. Leading worship involved Dayon gathering songs, communing with God, and preparing the team for song ministry. During praise and worship, Dayon was vocal in her passion to lead people into the presence of God. Dayon was naturally a quiet person in other settings, which made her aware that God was the true leader in as she led the congregation to express their praise physically and spiritually without fear.
fearless. This explains that she had the guts to do this which nobody else would ever do.
I can still remember vividly the day my mother passed away. My mother passed away at a critical point in my life when I was seventeen years old from a short term illness. She was sick for a week and I remember thinking this could be serious, however, my mother declined to go to the hospital because of the distance and financial hardship. I had loss my father when I was three years old, so my mother was a single mother. I have step sisters and brother, but I was not particularly close to them. Losing my mother was a defining moment in my life for it changed my life irrevocably. I was devastated, but I had to become strong, proactive and it spurred me to choose a new career path.
I prepare for my ministry every day. I practice learning and singing new songs daily. My daughter also sings and we practice together as well. I also attend choir rehearsals regularly. Even though singing comes naturally to me, I have signed up for a
College students will be able to see in this essay that strength is defined in a variety of ways such as emotional strength, physical strength, and how they work together to create a strong human being. To begin, emotional strength comes from within. By saying within, I mean emotional strength. The Merriam Webster dictionary states the definition of strength as "The quality or state of being strong." however, strengths interpretation is entirely up to the individual.