Colorado Christian University is, and forever will be that stepping stone in my life. I am grateful for the honest, sincere, sympathetic, understanding, friendly treatment especially from staff. Can I say my advisor is the greatest, not only passionate about his work, professional, gentle and kind, always ready to listen and to lead me in the right direction. Why am I bringing this into my final assignment? I think is relevant to my worldview topic. Until yesterday the meaning of the word worldview had no meaning in my vocabulary. All I knew was a set of norms and references that I called a way of life. After all one is born, raced and shaped in a certain way based on parent’s discretion. As a child, teenager and some of my adulthood, Catholicism was the norm in my life. I came to the United States at the age of 14yrs old. My whole life has been different since. I was introduced not only to a new language, norms, beliefs but a new society as well. As a child you can’t help but resent your new …show more content…
Being created in His image is what enables me to relate and serve others. As I engage in my analysis of my own personal view, I must demonstrate and offer a way to live a life that would be consistent with my notion and reality of a Christian life. If you are anything like me, PHL 205A has allowed me the opportunity to search within my soul and analyze what I now understand is my worldview; this topic has offered a comprehensive and understanding way on how to best distinguish my preconceived assumptions and notions about my worldview. In sharing the same faith we must understand and maintain that God is a purposeful God who created all human kind with the freedom to choose right from wrong. If we pay close attention and ultimately understand that Human life is meaningful, significant, and purposeful; then we are able to see God’s greatness, goodness, and
The scientific method is a tool that enables a person to seek out new knowledge, or correct and integrate new knowledge. It is composed of eight individual steps: which start out with defining a question, gathering information and resources, form an explanatory hypothesis, test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner, analyze the data, interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis, publish results, and ends with a retest. The steps can be grouped into four different essential elements: operation, observation, model, and utility function.
The Old Testament of the Holy Bible gives many examples which provide modern man with guidelines for the use of scientific method. Millam (2008) explains that there is an underlying order in nature demonstrated by the patterns and regularities of God’s creations. These regularities can be seen in the forces of nature and are stable throughout space and time (Millam, 2008). The original classification of species, use of precise measurement, and even the first account of scientific research, are all included in the Old Testament of the Holy Scriptures. God gives scientists some clear frames of reference for seeking knowledge and truth in science.
How did the earth and everything on it come into existence? This is a question, that for the Christian worldview is answered by the Bible, in Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis. The Bible makes clear to it’s readers that God existed before anything else. The creation account in Genesis 1 splits creation into 6 days and a 7th day of rest. The first day God created the earth and Heaven as well as day and night. The second day God separated the earth from heaven to create the sky. On the third day God separated the waters on earth so there would be dry land. He created plants and trees that could bear fruit and seeds. God made theses plants so that they would be able to keep growing from the seeds that fell from them. On the fourth day God created the
I have to agree with you Kesha this course did shed light on and let us explore different worldviews than our own Christian worldview. It placed emphasis on how important it is for us to understand other worldviews in order to be able to get along with non-Christians. Our world has become a society of multi cultures, and in order to be able to understand and be able to communicate with these other cultures we need to understand where they are coming from. No matter what type of worldview a person has, each person has the capability of knowing right from wrong, and good from evil, and each person has value within themselves. As we go onto our future careers as Administrators we will need to fall back on what we learned in this class. It
As I sat in the doctor’s office with my five-year-old son, the nurse came to me and said. You have the most well behaved child I have ever seen. My son, Elijah, was sitting on the chair reading at a book. So I am assuming that this nurse does not see many children sitting and reading. My son’s behavior of sitting and reading a book, while waiting for the doctor to see him, allowed him to be labeled as a well behaved child. Although the other children were playing with the toys that were present in the doctor’s office, they seem to be well behaved, as none of the children were hitting or taking toys from one another. Therefore, what is behavior, furthermore, what is behavior from a Christion Worldview?
Humanity is impermanent, a collection of five aggregates, or composition: body, consciousness, volition perception, and emotions. It does not matter why we are here. (Lefebvre, 2011)
Now having a better understanding of postmodernism worldview, one can direct all the attention to describe the Christian worldview. The Bible is clear by presenting a Creator God, which answers most of the greatest profound questions of humanity. The true is that the Bible tells one how God created the world and everything in it. At the epicenter of the Christian faith, is the belief that the Creator God of the Bible is real. This is a major contrast with the postmodern worldview. In fact, at the root of Christianity is the reality that creation and the human race are the creation of the only true God Himself. As a result, the epicenter of Christianity is faith in the existence of this God who has revealed Himself in many ways, but the main
I am glad that you are all settled up in your new dormitory! I hope you have a great time in college with all your very interesting classes I am certain that everything will go according to God’s plan. A worldview is the way someone perceives the earth around them, everyone has a worldview in our case it is a Christian worldview. Many worldviews clash and collide against each other; some of them believe that there is only one god while others believe in many gods. We as Christians believe in God the creator who spoke everything into existence. Doug, throughout your college life you will encounter many different worldviews, although some may sound appealing remember that God is the only way to reach heaven and eternal life. Remember in Deuteronomy 4:35, 39 - “Unto thee it was
According to Dr. James Henderson, a Christian worldview is authentic Christianity is Christ-centered and biblically-based, which means focusing on God’s word. As Christians, we want to live our lives as a reflection of the Bible and the unfolding plan of God revealed in the unity of the Scriptures. We believe that God exists and that god is the standard by which we measure everything else.
At any given point in time, and with any given human being, an individual’s opinion and behavior expose their worldview by demonstrating their perception of what they believe to be true. The worldview of every person has a comprehensive perspective of reality in every aspect of life. It is important to note that a person’s worldview might not actually possess the truth, but it is their truth, and that is what makes it their worldview. Consequently, one’s personal understanding seeps into every matter of one’s life and the lives of others, both in private and public issues. Furthermore, the essence of an established worldview is shaped by external influences such as one’s cultural environment, upbringing, companions, and the media. As a result of differing and incompatible opinions among humans, worldviews are generally categorized into separate groups. Moreover, similar worldviews that share beliefs and morals are able to
Due to the "highly subjective nature of most scientific theorizing... [we should] let the Bible speak for itself and modify our scientific view of origins accordingly." (as cited in Downey, D., & Porter, S., 2009).
According to Shelly and Miller, ones culture and up bring guides how an individual sees the world. These worldviews, personally and for humanity give meaning to one’s life (Sheely & Miller, 2006). Whether the worldview is religious or not, it is a personal awareness about meaning and reality. Everyone has a worldview which may be different from another’s. These different worldviews can affects how health care is practice.
What does the world look like through the lens of a Christian? The answers to this question can be found directly from the Bible. There are many parts to the Christian Worldview, but the seven main parts are; what God is like, the nature of the universe, the nature of man, ethics and morality, the cause of evil and suffering, what happens to man after death, and the meaning of history. The Biblical Worldview of a Christian is important because it helps us develop our faith in God and become closer to him. Everyone should have the Biblical Worldview of a Christian.
What do you see when you visit a city for the first time, or look at a movie or, what do you hear when you listen to the news or read a book? The answers to these questions depend on your worldview. So, what is a worldview? A worldview is described as “the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world.” David Noebel, author of Understanding the Times said, “A worldview is any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement or religion that provides an overarching approach to understanding God, the world and man 's relations to God and the world," Your worldview is like a set of lenses through which you view the world. Your worldview is formed by your upbringing, your education, your culture, the books you read, the
Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them (NIV).” This verse and the surrounding verses explain to us that we were made in the image of God and if we fast forward to Genesis 5:1, it tells us that He made us in the likeness of God. Between the two verses, we come to realize that as humans we were created to be like Him not to be Him. By being created in His image and likeness, we have been given the ability to show love towards others, be faithful and compassionate towards all, have integrity, obtain wisdom and so much more. Being created the way we were is a gift and because of it, we should always show these characteristics in our day-to-day lives. In the future, I hope to plant my own church or become a fulltime missionary. Either way, I will get the chance to use God’s gifts and abilities every day.