
Colorblind Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

During Monday class we discussed Recitatif and what being colorblind truly means about how you think. Most people that came into this class at the beginning would have said they were colorblind or we are the first generation that is colorblind not really understanding what being colorblind truly meant. For most it was a misinterpretation of how they felt we aren’t blind to color like we thought but I can only speak for myself and say that I notice race but I don’t form my opinion of someone based on that I form it based on the person they are. I’m a pretty quiet guy I don’t necessary speak up in a crowd of people I generally keep to myself so I don’t really talk to people I don’t know but in all the times I have talked to strangers I have always …show more content…

So I think if given the opportunity to change what we thought we were to what we really are we wouldn’t say they were colorblind we would say we see race but unlike the previous generations that run the current society we don’t let it change how we feel about someone. Racism is still a strong force in this country most of it is passed down from generation to generation and never really talked about but not everyone is so narrow mined, at some point this country is going to get to a point where the non racist people outweigh the racists ones if the right steps are taken. It’s going to take a lot of people to educate their peers, friends and family that may not have a complete understanding of what being colorblind truly means and all the racist people out there were brought up to hate but since their parents didn’t teach them right we must teach them not to hate instead of hating them back. When I was reading Recitatif I thought about race in the first part but honestly when I got to class I wasn’t think about the race of the characters in the story I was relating to their situation and the feelings they were having because I can related to someone that has a shitty mom that can’t get her shit

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