University of Phoenix Material
Outline and Thesis Statement Guide
Create an outline that includes details that support your thesis. Identify at least three main points and at least two supporting details per main point.
Write all supporting details and subdetails in complete sentences.
Include both in-text citations in the outline and a references page following the outline. Many of your supporting details and subdetails will need in-text citations.
Outline only the body of your paper (not your introduction or conclusion).
Avoid bias and present a balanced case for your thesis—this will strengthen your writing.
Your thesis statement: Societies dependence and advancement in technology are increasingly rising;
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Here in the United States the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Federal White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) partnered and established the IC3, which is the Internet Crime Complaint Center. This is a central place where Internet crimes can be reported and then those crimes will be investigated and transferred to the appropriate law enforcement agencies as well as appropriate regulatory agencies.
1. The Internet crimes can often overlap between fraud and other crimes. Because of these overlapping crimes it is important the there is communication and cooperation between our own agencies and international agencies.
2. Discuss the level of cooperation between our law enforcement agencies and international agencies and the problems they face.
B. The overwhelming amount of Internet fraud and crimes on individuals, small business, financial institutions can be overwhelming for law enforcement because of the lack of fully trained, qualified investigators. Basically we have more crime that we have laws and law enforcement officials can handle.
1. We must have sufficient laws against these particular crimes. Our judicial system faces challenges in developing the laws against the crimes. The other problem that law enforcement faces is the collection of evidence and the fine line between public and private information available online. In some cases there have been problems with collecting evidence and their relation to the first and
This article serves as an excellent stepping stone into some fundamental questions about the future role of criminal law in our country as it attempts to provide Americans with security from unforeseen criminal behavior from all corners of the
Third, the Pegasus FVEY internet rule of law document needs to be produced. Document should initially focus on accountability. Cyber crime violations will be coordinated and executed in two categories’; state and non-state actor cyber crimes. First, state sponsored cyber crimes will fall under the legal jurisdiction of the attacked and attacker FVEY nation. Political, economic, and sovereign sensitivities must be respected. Non-state actors will legally fall under affected FVEY Justice Departments for prosecution, coordination, and extradition back to home country.
Many law enforcement agencies has development special division and hired computer experts to help combat the increase of cyber crimes.
In April 2011, GAO, Government Accountability Office, reported that backlogs in the forensic analysis of digital evidence can delay or hinder online child pornography investigations. Among factors that federal law enforcement officials cited as limiting investigations and prosecutions were variations in the steps that agencies believe enhance the integrity of forensic analysis of digital evidence. In some cases, these steps may increase the time it takes to analyze evidence and add to backlogs and delays. (GAO High Risk & Other Major Government Challenges Balancing Fighting Crime Versus Terrorism)
U. S has taken a position to implement vital steps to police illegal activities worldwide. Also, using the Law enforcement agencies to find solutions and best practices is critical to stopping transnational organized crime. The United States government plays an important part in this process. They must engage in stricter policies and strategic thinking to fight the corruption of transnational organized crime.
The agencies employed by governments to police the web in order to protect the vulnerable have seen an increase in child pornography and online fraud. The speed at which information can be distributed and the number of people that can be reached attracts those that are intent on causing harm. The term “cybercrime” is becoming more widely used. The financial gains that can be made and the anonymity the internet can provide, make the virtual world of cyberspace a haven for criminals. Although the internet has huge benefits for information gathering and social networking, in the wrong hands it can cause harm to the vulnerable and criminals are able to vanish into the underground with the use of false identities that are hard to track online.
This ability to country-hop, one of the Internet’s greatest strengths, creates enormous jurisdictional and administrative problems for the police and is one of the main reasons why cybercrime investigation is so challenging and often feckless. A police officer in Paris has no authority to make an arrest in Sao Paulo.
In society’s day and age, Americans believe that crime has been steadily increasing. This perspective is based on information provided to the public by criminologist. Our society relies heavily on statistical data to measure criminality and the effectiveness of the laws that govern society. This data is collected and formulated to create what is known as national crime reports. These reports were implemented to improve the structure of the laws that govern our society. In addition these reports record criminal activity, the type of crimes committed, the locations of criminal trends, the volume of crimes committed, and the
Throughout the most recent decade, the quantity of wrongdoings that include PCs and Internet has grown,spurring an expansion in organizations and items that plan to help law authorization in utilizing computerized proof to decide the culprits, strategies, timing and casualties of PC wrongdoing. As a result,digital criminology has advanced to guarantee legitimate presentation of PC and digital wrongdoing evidentiary information in court. As indicated by Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] 2008 insights, in the UnitedStates, the span of the normal advanced measurable case is developing at the rate of 35% every year – from 83 GB in 2003 to 277 GB in 2007. With capacity limit development outpacing system transfer speed andlatency enhancements,
The internet has brought upon a new revolution of global interconnection where contacting someone on the other side of the world is just a click away, but with this international phenomenon comes an increased susceptibility with unfamiliar technology. Internet crime is compiled of all non-physical crime with the aid of a computer. Although broad in definition internet crimes are largely composed of acts such as cyber fraud, ‘phishing’ (username and password hacking), cyber stalking and hacking. Internet crime does not pose an overwhelming issue in society in terms of its
Levitt, S. D. (n.d.). Understanding Why Crime Fell in the 1990s: Four Factors that Explain the Decline and Six that Do Not. Retrieved February 12, 2017, from
A thesis in generally stated in one sentence. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55) This allows the statement to be the core of the paper and clearly states your point of view. (Connelly &Mark, 2011, pg. 55) This is also a critical in your prewriting process, it helps you move from a list or cluster of ideas to a specific paper. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55) Writing this sentence can focus your ideas and direct your writing, even if you fail to actually have your thesis appear in your final paper. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55)
Cyber crime is the downside of the proliferation of the internet and the World Wide Web. As businesses and commerce transactions have moved online as software and websites are the medium through which funds are exchanged, cyber theft has taken alarming proportions. Initially the fear with a hacked computer meant that someone's internet time would be stolen, but as banks introduce branchless banking and online payments have rendered the exchange of cash currency useless cyber crime has become a significant crime. In this context officials at state level are involved in getting their hands on the culprits engaging in such activities. The article, 'U.S. Shuts Down Massive Cyber Theft Ring ' (Bartz & Finkle, 2011) is also one such piece that talks about how U.S officials shut down a ring of cyber crime which was involved in theft worth $100 million with two million personal computers affected worldwide.
Because of jurisdiction conflicts, modern law enforcement has been unable to control, prevent, or prosecute crimes such as these. In fact, the Internet has completely destroyed national law boundaries and legal notions of geography. Thus, modern law enforcement has no power to enforce laws on-line. The solutions to this problem would be either to establish worldwide standards of law, to which all countries would agree, or establish the ability to control data flow across borders and enforce national laws. Unfortunately, neither of these options is currently feasible.
When a person commits the acts of damaging property, selling illegal material, terrorism or misusing funds inappropriately they are participating in the acts of cybercrime. According to Siegel (2012), cybercrime is defined as “the use of modern technology for criminal purposes” (p. 660). The widespread use of internet in our daily lives has established the age of information technology (IT). IT is a big component of networking, communicating, and utilizing the internet in order to assist the economic system. Many industries and manufacturing companies are expanding due to IT in order to produce a globalization market. The internet has lengthened and partner with other global services to provide entertainment, communication, research, and education (Siegel, 2012).