The Article, “ How dangerous is 'Comey memo' for Trump?” discuses the trouble the President has gotten himself into over the past few days. I believe that our government needs to take a step back and figure themselves out along with briefing the president on what he can and cannot tell foreign countries.
In the Article, “ How dangerous is 'Comey memo' for Trump?” it states the current status of President Trumps legal problems over the past few weeks. It starts will explaining how the White House is denying the allegations of the President trying to get the FBI to drop their investigation on him. It also explains that Trump has had many issues within the last 24 hours one of those being him leaking information to Russia over dinner. The article
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Zurcher discusses all the Republican party has gone through with trump through the elections and how they may be loosing their patience. The report brings the reader back to Trumps dinner party in which he released information with Russia. The National Security Adviser stating that the information Trump released was “appropriate”. Lastly, Lurcher gives seven reasons on why Trumps last slip up isn’t going to go away. The first reason he gave was, “ High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” stating that with people calling this act treasonous many are calling for immediate removal. The second reason was, “The Russian Factor,” he explained that with Trumps current investigation with being involved with Russia during the election the fact that he leaking the information to Russian officials seems almost to validate the issues in his FBI investigation. The third reason, “Skeptical allies,” explains exactly what the title states and that with him leaking information to Russian officials it makes our allies such as Israel very skeptical of the United States at the moment. Reason four, "A leaky ship of
James B. Comey refers to the trade-offs as the evidence that will never be found by law enforcement due to Fourth Amendment restrictions. He makes emphasis in how important it is for society that their Four Amendment rights be respected. Evidence obtained by law enforcement during a Fourth Amendment search or seizure might never be useful because it would constitute to a violation of privacy rights, therefore, it would be refused in court. There have been, however, exceptions to the rule. Sometimes even without a warrant, police have been able to obtain additional evidence, depending the circumstance. Coney’s main point is that with the increase of cyber-threats, those who belong to law enforcement will struggle to perform their jobs, due to
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Education Secretary Betsy DeVos issued an official memorandum today indicating that she would like the nation’s schools to “get back to the basics” and to “focus on what really matters in students’ lives.”
The Washington Post published an article entitled “James Comey’s Memo Has Shaken A Presidency. Here’s Why Memos Have Always Mattered.” It detailed the records kept by former FBI Director James Comey in the wake of his firing scandal. The article started out by discussing the politics associated with the situation, but also delved into the history of the memory format. As it turns out, Comey kept a record via memo format about some of the requests made of him from the President of the United States. These memos detailed accounts of meetings that made Comey uncomfortable or those that he felt crossed a line professionally.
These memos are an accumulation and explanation of events of torture or as the CIA calls Enhanced Interrogation. “The basic problem with the presidency is the possibility that the occupant of the White House is too unconstrained and can all too easily engage in dramatic exertions of power, especially in the realm of foreign policy" (Pp.107,Levinson) The President is the Commander In Chief of the military. The president is the highest rank in the military and most of the time has no military training with rein over it. The President might not have the right to go to war, but he certainly has the privilege. Regarding presidential removal, Levinson has section titled “On Malfeasance and Misfeasance: Why Criminal Presidents Less of a Threat than an Merely Incompetent Ones”(pp.114-21). In this section, He explains in Great Britain, that the prime minister can be “unceremoniously dumped”(p116,Levinson) In the United States, that is not an option. In the cases of going to war without consent, it could be interpreted that He has the authority over the military so he needs to make the ultimate decision for them. We need to have criminal charges for the declaration of war, so if we made it law he can’t do instead of about what he can do, then maybe more control will be held by the people and not one man.
According to Newsmax, “The Washington Post has assigned 20 reporters to look into every aspect of Donald Trump’s past as the presumptive GOP nominee seeks to become the next president of the United States, famed Post associate editor, Bob Woodward, said Wednesday.” Woodward is looking into Donald Trump’s real estate deals saying that “The New York real estate world is more complex than the CIA. Look, the job at The Washington Post has to be tell us everything about who the eventual nominee will be in both parties, 15-part, 16-part series, 20-part series, we want to look at every part of their lives and we're never going get the whole story of course but we can get the best attainable.” It was also said that the Post is working to get the essence of Hilary Clinton. Woodward does not believe that Clinton purposely tried to use her private email server to send out classified information. In another article by Newsmax, “Woodward called Hillary Clinton's connections to "pay for play" through the Clinton Foundation and the access she had given when she was secretary of state "corrupt" and something that voters should be troubled by. Yes, it’s corrupt; it’s a scandal,” Woodward told the "Fox News Sunday" panel monitored by Wednesday's presidential debate moderator Wallace, and referencing back Wednesday's
Secondly, Trump told reporters that he had confidence in Comey only to fire him less than
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." These were the infamous words proclaimed by former President Bill Clinton in response to the allegation that he had an affair with a White House intern while serving as President of the United States. A statement that was later found to be false and perjurious, and one that would eventually undermine his presidency. Lies come in different shapes and forms - while some lies can be harmless, others, such as President Clinton’s scandalous lie, are self-serving and can cause a great degree of harm to others or even to oneself. In Stephanie Ericsson’s “The Way We Lie,” Ericsson categorizes the various types of lies and their ramifications, whereas in Anton Chekhov’s “The Lady with the Dog,” the writing touches on the selfish lies that both Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna tell to sustain their adulterous relationship. Although the extent to which lying is selfish depends on the motives and circumstances of the lie, I claim that not only are most lies selfish, but they are also morally wrong because they can cause irreparable damage to relationships and the trust between people.
The New York Times includes important sources thato help the reader feel more secure about the information given. The type of propaganda that the journalists Mark Landler and Jonathan Weisman often used thewas Testimonial device. The New York Times’ quotes in the article were by people who are well- known by the populace. A quote stated by someone who is well recognized generally helps the reader believe what is being said versus a quote by a person who is not well recognized. This is why Landler and Weisman decided to include President Obama and Secretary of¬ State John Kerry in for quotes in their article. By using these individuals, it also links the story and helps verify the information that was given to the targeted audience. End The Lie’s article had numerous quotes, but some were by recognizable people and others were anonymous. Having an anonymous source in an article is skeptical because anyone could have said it, and that person may not know much about the Russian proposal or the any other diplomatic path that is trying to be focusedsolutions. Also, on or the journalist could have easily added their own opinion by quoting themselves and hiding behind an anonymous source.
In his first point Mr. Thomas claims that there is no need to be concerned with important information accidentally being betrayed. He states “All members of the media are willing to hold back information that might jeopardize security”(342). This is just simply not the case, however. For example, in 2003, Geraldo Rivera bent down and began writing in the sand. This writing turned out to be information that was not yet supposed to be disclosed. ''At one point, he actually revealed the time of an attack prior to its occurrence,'' Lt. Mark Kitchens, a spokesman at Central Command(Carr 2003).” Thomas even contradicts himself in the very same paragraph by making us aware of two reporters that had their privileges revoked during Vietnam (342).
President Trump has made about 15 executive orders since his inauguration. The first executive order by Trump was signed hours after his inauguration. The executive order was to revoke funding for Obamacare. Revoking Obamacare affects everyone with Obamacare insurance.Many Americans with financial trouble will now be having trouble finding health care.
"Secrecy and a free, democratic government don't mix," President Harry Truman once said. Harry Truman understood the importance of an open government in a free society. Unfortunately, George W. Bush has a different outlook. From the first days of his administration, President Bush has taken steps to tighten the government's hold on information and limit public scrutiny of its activities. Expansive assertions of executive privilege, restrictive views of the Freedom of Information Act, increasing use of national security classification, stonewalling in response to congressional request for information all these were evident even before the September 11 attacks (At Issue: Has the Bush administration misused government
Throughout the recent course of your presidency, I, as a high schooler, have witnessed much controversy over the future of this country. Within the news, local papers, and many other press forums, the topic of your initial actions in the White House has overthrown recent, influential news. The bounds of this letter incorporate conduct that I believe can bring this country back to the issues of importance we should be worried about.
“CONGRESS RETURNS TO A SHADOW CAST BY IMPEACHMENT.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 3 Jan. 1999, The New York Times opens by stating that “President Clinton should postpone his State of the Union Message if the Senate was still grappling with an impeachment trial when he is scheduled to appear before a joint session of Congress on Jan. 19 (Mitchell 1). Although this seems to be opinionated, the Times cited multiple sources and had copious reasons to make that assertion. As the article progresses, Mitchell, the author, delves into the difficulty of continuing governmental duties while the weight of an investigation hinders the efficiency. No bias against any one person or party is included in the article, yet the author himself has his own interpretation on the situation at hand. The left leaning nature of the Times seems to be absent in this report as no political bias is
When he arbitrarily chooses which elements of the media to legitimize and which bits to undermine, based on how favorable towards him they are, it’s the behavior of a dictator, not a president. He calls his critics the dishonest media. He spins unfavorable news as fake news. It’s rumor that he’s going to throw the Press Corps out of the White House, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least, because he wants the White House to be a safe space, where his narrative and agenda can proceed without the inconvenience of scrutiny or accountability. If someone says something he doesn’t like, he just shuts them down. “Nope! Not listening.” He conflates dissenting voices with dishonesty - and that’s dishonest. This is his plan all along - bypass the media via Twitter, berate and discredit and undermine the media so the public doesn’t trust them, be litigious with the media so they’re scared to write something unflattering. This makes him almost impossible to hold him to account. This is the behavior of a tyrant. No wonder he’s such a big fan of Putin!
There has been a lot of talk regarding the involvement of Russia in the most recent US presidential election. The article chosen discusses key events that lead people to believe that some type of intervention occurred on a level that isn't being formally discussed. Many of the key issues discussed in the article revolve around the lack of attention to those key events and a lack of investigation. Because the United States Intelligence Community concluded that there was actual engagement by the Russian Government, there is a question around why some things that should be a part of the investigation are left out.