When I think of culture I usually think of what I grew up knowing; religion, food music, etc. Being American, people usually think very stereotypically; white, racist, and no flavoring in their food. I disagree with these ideas; coming from an American culture I deal with a melting pot of ideas, the reason for this is because of all the people that come in and out of the U.S.; they leave a mark on this country with a piece of their heritage. It also means wearing all types of different clothing, eating different types of food, listening to new kinds of music you may or may not like; basically just being open to try new things. This culture is probably one of the most unique cultures out there; without this culture, and this country even, the world would be much more different than the world we know today. America is a melting pot of different cultures. While English is the main language spoken in the country, people also speak just about every other language there is due to the huge diversity. All forms of art are also appreciated here, different arts range from things such as architecture/design, to dance, to literature. All arts are greatly viewed and appreciated, some of the greatest paintings come from America as well. When it comes to fashion and dressing in America, the times have changed for how …show more content…
Our current president right now is Donald Trump, a republican whose views don’t necessarily match the views of others. The United States is basically separated into two main political groups; Republicans and Democrats. America also has three different branches of government; the executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch. The executive branch deals with the president and everyone who works for him. The legislative branch deals with the congress and everyone who creates the laws. The judicial branch deals with the Supreme Court
The president is the head of the executive branch , which makes the U.S laws official. As you might know, the president is elected by the whole country, and stays in office for four years. The president approves and carries out laws passed by The Legislative Branch. He can remove cabinet members and officials. The executive branch also includes the vice president and other officials such as members of the cabinet.
The presidential system of government in the United States is broken into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative branch includes Congress, which is divided into two houses, the senate and the House of Representatives their Members are elected by American citizens. The legislative branch writes and enacts laws, confirms the presidential cabinet appointments, and has the ability to declare war against another country.
Culture is shared beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors that is passed on from generation to another. After watching the movie God Grew Tired of Us, the movie helped me better understand America’s culture. America’s culture is based on individualism. People are on their own and provide for themselves. Other people from different countries do not see American people as friendly.
According to the constitution of the United States the federal government is divided up into three branches to ensure an equal and balanced government and to make sure that no one or branch of government has too much power. The three branches are the legislative branch, executive branch, and the judicial branch. Each branch serves different purposes in the United States federal government and each branch is made up of different federal government employees. For example, the legislative branch make the laws. The legislative branch has the power to impeach the U.S. President and declare war. The legislative branch is made up of U.S. Congress which include the Senate and House of Representatives. Then there’s the executive branch which carry
The American culture is define to everyone in their own way. Everyone grows up differently in a particular community that shares the same languages, values, rules, and customs. The American Culture on that is consider to be a “melting pot”, because of all the different cultures that reside inside of it making it so diverse. Race in this country has never been a great topic throughout history. African Americans play a huge role into defining what our culture is as a whole, as well as being a part of racism for the past 250 years.
Culture is a set of ideals and values about life that are widely shared among people and that guide specific behaviors. Differences, as well as similarities, can be seen when comparing world cultures. We communicate with each other, we feed ourselves with food, and when we sleep we often dream. However, we speak different languages, eat different types of foods, and dream different ways. We call these cultural differences. What causes them is not always obvious to the ordinary person (Nancy). I feel culture is what really sets us apart from each other and what makes us unique as individuals and families.
Culture is something that we all have; it is something that defines who we are. A person's culture is the reason we value certain aspects over another and the reason we act the way we do. My cultural background is far more complex than I could ever imagine. Although I am a citizen of the United States, my heritage does not include one fraction of Native American in it. My ancestors actually derived from all over the European continent. I have found that I am minuscule amounts of English, Irish, Swedish, French, and most importantly Norwegian. I emphasized Norwegian because that is the culture that my family and I most closely relate to. Neither of my grandparents are from Norway, but they both grew up in a strong Norwegian environment
My culture is like a box of chocolates, surprising and sometimes unsatisfying. You take a bite hoping for caramel, but instead you get mint chocolate. We all have a culture, but some of us embrace it more than others. I have a culture. It is made up of many, many elements.
Here in the United States, we have had many presidents throughout the years. Starting with George Washington, and finishing up with George Bush. Our president is the chief executive, with the legislative and judicial branches to keep
Culture is a large part of every person’s life, it is what makes each person unique. Within culture there are many aspects such as food, music, clothing, tradition, and many more. Since culture makes up such a large part of our day to day lives, it is almost always responsible shaping and informing our view on the world.
Culture has a paramount influence in everyday day life from the way people dress to way people gather food to how someone greets others. It united group of people based on their share ideas, perceptions, and knowledge (Blanco). Although some cultures share similar aspect, some can vary differently in their customs and norms. An example would a clan known as Nacirema whose culture would be described by outsiders as extreme and sadistic. Their culture consists of unique ritual, strong believe in magical essences, but how different does it vary from the American Culture?
Culture by definition is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a person's self-conception and self-perception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any type of social group that has its own distinct culture. To me that definition couldn't be more spot on but let's go more in depth over the past few months in my English class we have been trying to learn what our culture is and what part culture plays in our daily lives so in this essay I will be sharing with you what I think culture is what it means to me and how I think it impacts our way of living and the way we look at each other as human beings and how we treat each other and how all this makes up my culture
The concept of culture is something that defines many aspects of one’s life. From physical objects to different ways of thinking, culture adds significance to human life and makes groups of people distinct from one another. Culture is essentially a group of people who come together with similar interests and points of view. According to the Center for Advanced Language Acquisition of the University of Minnesota, “culture is defined as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization.” From a more sociological perspective, culture is a way in which people come together in order to fulfill their needs. These shared patterns and ideas identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group.” Culture is one of the things that sets the United States apart from the rest of the world. Not that the rest of the world is not cultural, but the circumstance here is different. Many people of different cultural backroads come to this country in search of a better life. As a consequence, the United States has become a place where many cultures merge together like a colossal pot soup.
Culture is a key aspect of a human that reflects on their lifestyle, family, traditions and pulls together the external influences that play a role in how one chooses to live their life. For me, culture is something you collect throughout your lifetime. In my lifetime, I have been lucky enough to travel outside of the United States and meet people from all over the world. I have seen how people go about their daily routines in many different ways compared to mine. The main cultural influence that has been present in my life since day one is the closeness of my family. All my cousins are very close it has often odd when I hear about families with weak relationships and small size. Another influence that has shaped my behavior was my exposure of extreme poverty and extreme wealth while living in Mexico. Lastly, a cultural influence that has shaped my belief system is my education.
Culture is a behavior that consists of several critical elements, such as language, religion, race and ethnicity, clothing and politics. Culture is what one does in his/her daily life. In order to understand others, we must first keep in mind that every culture carries its own set of values and assumptions. Culture is an evolving, ever changing civilization, which includes several different groups people. For immigrants, America is a land of opportunity; for others it is just the best country in the world because of its economic success and/or its democratic political system. Americans usually value independence a lot, believe in equal opportunity, and have a direct communication