
Coming Of Age In Adam Schwartz's Where Is It Written

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“Where Is It Written”, by Adam Schwartz is a story about Sam’s parents’ divorce. Sam first wants his father to sue his mother. Then, he wants to go live with his dad. Finally, he realized that his parents’ divorce was weighing too much on his mother. Coming of age is an important theme in which the main character acquires a certain mental maturation. Sam came of age because he came to know or understand why his mother was behaved the way she was or he noticed that his mother’s behavior changed from when she was still married and after being divorced, again he came of age when he remembered his grandmother’s death.

To begin, this story takes place in New Jersey. The author introduces the protagonist Sam, who is dealing with his parents divorce. His solution to this problem is to persuade …show more content…

At the bar mitzvah, Sandra hugged Sam for a longtime, and Phyllis called Sam for a family portrait which made Sandra insecure replying harshly saying that the photographer could take them a photo (she and Sam) because Sam is her son, and that they are family and Sandra being upset she hit Phyllis on the head with her purse, and then Phyllis and Sandra fought and Sam seeing her parents fighting and his father coming to the rescue and separate them, he panicked and ran to the beach in confusion not knowing what to do. While still running he heard his mother calling him to stop running. Sam talks to his mother at the beach and explains that he wanted to yell at his mother and ask her why she cannot be like other people but when he saw how his mother was hurt and bruised made him feel sorry and realized how his mother struggled. This quote demonstrates that Sam is beginning to realize that his grandmother’s death has made his mother worried and troubled and that his parents’ divorce has made Sandra lose hope in life. The two events that occurred to Sandra have changed how she viewed

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