Did you know in the book to kill a mockingbird jem had many coming of age moments?In the novel has many moments were the children had shown that they are becoming mature. In chapter 22 the literary elements conflict and character developed the theme. The topic was that the kids conclusively understand the society around them. The first moment Jem had was in chapter 20 when Jem told Raymond why does he act drunk.Quoted in page 267 Raymond said “people don't like the way I live .” he acts drunk because people judge him when he's not but if he acts drunk then they will see that is the way he lives. To interpret that Jem was finally seeing how people treat one another in such a corrupt place. The second Jem had another moment just after
The award winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee includes several key components that are exemplary passages of coming-of-age scenes. One of the most significant scenes throughout the whole book is the courtroom scene that describes the trial of Tom Robinson, who has been accused of rape by Mayella Ewell. The outcome of the trial was creating a coming-of-age scene for several characters, including Jem Finch, Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch, and Dill Harris. In this scene, it is seen that in defense of Tom, Atticus Finch uses ethical, logical, and emotional stances in order to find Tom innocent and continue to fight for justice by being impartial and having no judgement unlike society. Although a strong defense was presented, society still
In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee includes many coming of age moments. For example, I chose the part where Scout walks Boo home. Scout is the narrator of the book and Arthur ‘Boo’ Radley accompanies her in this scene. This is a coming of age example because near the end, Scout talks about how she felt she’d already learned what she needed to be an adult. Today I’ll be talking about literary elements in this passage.
To start with, the first coming of age experience Jem faces is Conflict. In chapter 11 of To Kill A Mockingbird, Jem and Mrs. Dubose have a person vs. person external conflict with each other. Referring back to the book, it says “She put her hand to her mouth. When she drew it away, it trailed a long silver thread of saliva. “Your fathers no better than the niggers and trash he works for!” (P.117)
One example is when the Lynch mob showed up and then the kids ran up to him. That's when Atticus told Jem to leave and to take scout and Dill home with him and that was when Jem shook his head and told him that he ain't leaving. This is apart of coming of age because Jem faces with a internal conflict because he was faced with the decision to listen to his father and leave or to go against what his dad said and stay and not leave Atticus alone with the Lynch mob because if he did then Atticus would have gotten beat up so Jem decided to go against his dad and stay to protect him.
Coming of age stories, are usually about a child growing up and maturing. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee has the protagonist, Scout Finch grows up and matures. As she goes through this stage of life, she discovers adulthood. The novel is a coming of age story, as it is witness through Scout’s interactions with the community in Maycomb, she realizes that some situations are not always as they seem, recognizes that evil exists in the world, and develops compassion for others less fortunate.
“Shoot all of the Blue Jays you want, if you can hit them, but Remember it’s a sin to kill a Mockingbird.” That was a major quote in Chapter 10. I chose Chapter 10’s Rabid dog scene from the book To Kill A Mockingbird as my Coming of Age scene. Let’s talk about three literary elements from that one particular scene/chapter.
“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” Many people get interpreted and read differently than what they truly are on the inside because we don’t have the mindset to understand their way of looking at life. The fundamental and often universal idea shown throughout To Kill A Mockingbird is coming of age, which is depicted through many incidents that occur. In a world full of standards Jean Louise is the only one noticeable because she doesn’t blend in with the rest of the girls her age. She is very outgoing and adventurous which gives her the name of a tomboy. Just because she seems tough doesn’t make her cold hearted because on the inside she is
Jem grows and realizes his maturity as he reflects on his previous naivety. In To Kill A Mockingbird Scout tries reasoning with Jem after a trail has left him disappointed, she says there are “only one type of folks. Folks” (Lee 227) referring to the people in Maycomb Community but Jem disagrees saying “’That’s what I thought, too’, he said at last, ‘when I was your age”(Lee 227). This quote shows Jem reflecting on what he thought when he was Scout’s age back when he wasn’t aware of the racism in his community. His views back then were influenced by being in the Finch household where Atticus always treated everyone equally. Jem matured by
In chapter 15, we see a coming of age moment that happens to Jem. We can see this through the setting, dialogue, and mood of the characters. Through
Coming of age is the process a character goes through in order to mature. Scout and Jem both go through this process. Scout tells the story of To Kill a Mockingbird through the eyes of her 6 year old self. In chapter 10 Scout has an intervention with Miss Maudie about what her dad told her, it is a sin to kill a songbird. Miss Maudie agrees with Atticus' saying and this opens the eyes of Scout. Then, later in chapter 25, Scout reads Mr. Underwood's editorial on how the conviction of Tom Robinson is like the slaying of a songbird. This makes Scout understand more about why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, but still does not understand fully. Finally, in chapter 30, Scout finally fully understands why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. She
To Kill a Mockingbird has a ”coming of age” theme set to it through everything that the protagonists experienced. The events in both the book and movie impacted the characters in both fortunate and unfortunate ways, which made them mature. The youngest protagonists were the ones who mainly experienced this, for the older characters already went through their Coming of Age. Jem had the most Coming of Age experiences in the whole story since he was on the borderline of becoming a teenager and taking on more serious responsibilities. Jem had to take responsibility and take care of his sister when while his father took Calpurnia home.
Coming of age is a young person's transition from being a child to being an adult. The certain age at which this transition takes place changes in society, as does the nature of the change. Some coming of age experiences in To Kill a Mockingbird include Francis making fun of Atticus, Mrs. Dubose’s death, the narrator being in another character's shoes and the jail mob scene. Although, I will be focusing on the jail mob scene throughout this essay. Atticus leaves the house one evening and Jem, Scout, and Dill wonder where he is going. They go investigate and find him reading in front of Tom Robinson’s jail cell. Minutes later four cars pulled in front of the jail cell. The men gout out and ask Atticus if Tom Robinson is in the cell. They then
In Harper Lee’s novel about coming of age, To Kill a Mockingbird, there is a common reference to the sin of tainting something or someone that is pure. A mockingbird displays no evil traits and all they want to do is sing their beautiful songs. Similar to mockingbirds, some of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird represent nothing but innocence. Others are comparable to blue jays, who are noisy and obnoxious. A few of these birds that have their own song that is exclusive to them include Mayella Ewell, Jean Louise Scout Finch, and Boo Radley.
Jem had changed throughout the story from acting like a child and doing things that children do to becoming more mature and taking part in the
Coming of age is an influential part of many people’s lives. They begin to leave behind their innocent childhood views and develop a more realistic view on the world around them as they step forward into adulthood. (Need to add transition) Many authors have a coming of age theme in their books; specifically, Harper Lee portrays a coming of age theme in his book To Kill A Mockingbird. Through the journeys of their childhoods, Jem and Scout lose their innocence while experiencing their coming of age moment, making them realize how unfair Maycomb really is.