“I used to think that I could shape the circumstances around me, but now I know Jesus uses circumstances to shape me.” -Bob Goff Faith is an integral part of many lives. It is what makes many who they are. It shapes and molds people in life-changing ways and make them feel whole and complete. Knowing that feeling God’s call is one of the most life-changing experiences someone can ever have, I asked a family friend to share her story of coming to faith. This is her story as I interpret it. I grew up near Detroit in Michigan where lived with my mom, dad, and younger brother. We were Catholic but faith was never a quintessential part of our daily lives. It was merely something we did out of obligation to culture and tradition. In eighth grade, my world came crashing down around me when my mom left. From then on, my dad became my rock, someone always present no matter the trial. Next, came high school. I attended St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Southgate, Michigan. For me, high school was an …show more content…
That morning, I remember deciding to go back to that church. When I got there, I just sat in the back, watching the service, soaking it all in. I listened to the pastor preach saying,”You can look good on the outside but still be empty and broken on the inside.
I thought,”Maybe I am missing something inside.”
Then, the preacher held an altar call. Moved by the Holy Spirit, my hand shot into the air. It was so very sudden, but inside, all I felt was a peace and love like nothing before. Since this moment, I have never been the same. It took something radical to completely change my heart, and since then, I have never looked back.
“Would you say this is the most memorable experience of your entire
There are many Church of Christ, Scientist spread around internationally. The First Church of Christ, Scientist was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Baker was an Influential Author as well as a religious leader. During her time she published “Science and Health” along with launching “The Christian Science Monitor”. Thus inspiring people to become a part of her new profound Church.
Getting to know my faith more has really changed my life, Before I started going back to church my life was falling apart but while I was learning about the Holy Spirit, God, Jesus Christ made me lead to the right direction. My Faith means a lot to me now that I am able to understand every detail about the
Sitting in church on a cold Sunday in January, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as my pastor preached a sermon that, for once, made me feel like she was speaking directly to me. I’m not an extremely religious person; I don’t go to church every Sunday or pray at night before I go to sleep. I just go through the motions. But this time was different. “The time we spend in between leaving home and finding our way back home is where people gain the ability to grow into their full potential.” Those words spoke to me, and I was reeled in, just like the rest of the congregation, wondering what our Pastor was going to say next.
There is so much negativity and judgement in this world. There needs to be more believers in Jesus Christ. Having more believers will make things better. It will also help to guide other people that need guidance on the right path to righteousness. There are so many people that do not understand the truth about living the right way when it comes down to following Jesus Christ. People who are surrounded by a church community, will have an easier life being a Christian, will be guided by the Ten Commandments, and will learn to have a loving heart for others.
My family has never been very religious. I never attended church regularly, not even on Easter. My Dom and Dad both grew up Baptist. My Dad went to church often while my mom did not. They both maintained similar values even though one went to church more than the other.
In our community there are many different and diverse faiths, and my experiences with people of different faiths were very unique and delightful. When I was small my parents always taught me to respect other people’s faiths and beliefs as you would like them to respect your beliefs because if you discriminate people for those believing in a different faith will not make you a better person but it will hurt you in the future and I thanks my parents for that wonderful teaching because of that for me meeting people of other faiths than mine does not change my attitude towards them, for example I would act or have the same attitude, or opinion towards a Jewish the same as I would act towards a Muslim. Me being a Hindu and going to a catholic
What would you do, if someone told you that there are about one-hundred thousand martyrs every year? Would you believe them? Or maybe you wouldn’t even know what martyr means. While it may seem horrifying to you it is true that around, and sometimes more, one-hundred thousand Christians die every year, simply because they’re Christians. Christians today in parts of Asia and Africa face this kind of persecution in their families and governments. Actually, Christians today are condemned more than any other religious group in the world. Persecution of Christians is a major problem in the world today because thousands of people are being killed annually over faith, it’s only getting worse, and Christians are persecuted in over 145 countries.
The term ‘religious experience’ can come up with a wide range and diverse series of images. We might assume that it can include anything from a prayer, to attending a service at a place of worship, to even ‘hearing the voice of God’. The argument for the existence of God based on religious experience is in fact a posteriori as it is based on people’s encounters with God. Unlike other arguments, the argument is based on a direct link to God - if we are able to show that God is experienced then we therefore cannot deny his existence. Many people are more likely to believe something if it has been experienced. Our experience of God is the best evidence we have that God exists.
I would honestly be grateful to attend PBA and it will be an honor, there can be many schools out there that have a great medical field but why bother if when you have a first opinion you have to work hard to achieve it. I do not easily give up without a fight. I am very hard working and I will not stop until I achieve what I aimed for. What is success without faith if you ask me, it is everything. Many people give up on their goals due to not getting help from their parents or someone else. However, I have the help and love from my family and teachers at my school. I always attended church on Sundays and more important on my birthdays, it is a great way to give thanks.
The author Lee Strobel, is both a lawyer and a journalist, two of the most skeptical professions in the world. For me, my father is an attorney born the same year as Lee Strobel and my mother has a minor in journalism. So, I learned from early on to carefully formulate my answers to a question or I would hear “well that will never fly in court” from my father or “please give me the facts” from my mother. So it seems ironic for a lawyer-journalist and admitted atheist to be writing an apologetics book.
Despite arguments for the reliability of faith, many maintain that faith alone is an invalid way of knowing and that reason provides a far better basis for knowledge. Renowned Greek philosopher, Plato, defined knowledge as “justified true belief.” According to Plato, an individual’s certainty or strong belief alone does not moderate as knowledge. Rather a belief must be justified through reliable evidence, and truth can be determined through several theories. In regards to faith, believing something does not necessarily make it true. Truth is objective and must be beyond a reasonable doubt, while faith is subjective to the
The devil is always roaming the world to tempt us and to sabotage our faith in God, but God uses multiple test to develop our faith in Him. We as human being must be tested by faith in order for God to trust us with His word. False faith fails in times of us been tested in our trial, but crazy faith helps us to grow and mature in areas to edify God’s Kingdom. This clarifies why God authorized the three “black” Hebrew men who names were, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to be tested by their faith. God also consented for them to be thrown into the fiery furnace for their faith to be developed. In 1 Peter 1:7 says, “These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and
Everyone has their time in life when God tests the strength of their faith. These tests can cause you to break down, and they can torture you mentally. Most of the time, these tests are really big. For example, if someone you love gets sick and you want to help, but there is nothing that you can do. This is what happened to me, and it came to me through my mom suffering from a large brain tumor. Through my mother’s hardship and my reliance on my Christian faith, I learned important lessons such as, self control, putting all faith in God, and the importance of loving others for who they are.
Subsequently, I surrendered my life fully to God. I learned to read the bible and worship daily. I was transformed. I served my church in reaching to those in need and teaching them the bible. I taught and visited youths in desperate conditions and saw how they overcame their obstacles through faith and hope in God. I witnessed youths who finished their college amidst impossible situations: one living by the railroad side where rats would sometime bit her feet, one living under the bridge and by the wet dirty market, and another in the slums amidst gangsters. This is meaningful for me for I saw the power of the God and the importance of teaching Scriptures to transform lives.
The apostle Paul always referred to faith and fear all the way from Romans to II Timothy. But do we really know the true meaning of faith and fear? Fear itself has multiple meanings and so does faith. Faith is normally associated with trust, God, and religion in general. Fear, on the other hand, can be expressed differently. In Christianity, we have a fear of the Lord. This does not mean we actually fear and run away from him, we awe at his glory. Other than Christians, most people relate fear to death and phobias. As you can see, fear and faith is displayed differently.