Effects of commercial antacids on excess amounts of hydrochloric acid in the stomach
Gilliam, M., Morton, D., Osornio Padron, J., Simmons, A.,
Bahle, T. Lab Section Wednesday: 08/31/16
Introduction: If there is a high amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and an antacid is consumed, the antacid will absorb excess acid in the stomach. This reduction of hydrochloric acid is absorbed by antacids that neutralize stomach acid (Vodopich). The purpose of this experiment is to determine how commercial antacids perform in absorbing acids. The hypothesis is that the antacid in Tums will reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid inside the stomach.
Methods: For this experiment, the independent variable is the commercial antacid and the dependent
To begin the separation of the sucrose from the Panacetin, approximately 3 grams of Panacetin was transferred to a 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask. Added to the flask was 50 mL of dichloromethane to dissolve the Panacetin to aid in the separation. A fluted filter paper was used to filter the Panacetin and dichloromethane mixture by gravity using a glass funnel. The remaining filtrate was set aside than transferred to a separatory funnel and the substance on the filter paper was dried and weighed. The filtrate was extracted with 2 increments of 25-mL portions of aqueous 1 M sodium hydroxide. During this step the filtrate in the separatory funnel was shook and vented 3 times.
The purpose of experiment three was to identify the unknown component in the drug Panacetin. The use of physical properties can help identify unknown compounds and estimate the degree of their purities. In this experiment, solubility in boiling water and melting point were used to determine if the unknown was acetanilide or phenacetin. Since both compounds are soluble in boiling water and insoluble in cold water, recrystallization was used to remove any impurities from the solid.
Discussion The third experiment of the semester involves identifying an unknown component of Panacetin, a common pain relief medication, separated and precipitated in the previous experiment. Although Panacetin’s label reports this third ingredient as Tylenol, there is controversy over the true classification of the third substance. This Panacetin label also reports that the unknown constituent makes up 50% of the composition of Panacetin, compared to aspirin’s 40% composition and sucrose’s 10% composition, meaning that it is currently unknown what half of the drug people ingest is identified as. Research results have failed to repeatedly show that the third component of Panacetin is Tylenol, which leads to the hypothesis
It is shown as percentage of isopods over the solution type. After the completion of the three trials of the experiment, a chi-squared test was preformed using Microsoft Excel. In this situation, there were no dead or outliers found and consequently there was no “other” category. After the calculations were complete and the degree of freedom was found, the P-value was found to be <0.001, which shows that the data collected was significant.
One in five people in the United States suffered from allergies or asthma symptoms (Allergy Statistics and Facts, webmd.com) . Most people at some point have taken or bought Benadryl to relieve an allergic reaction, itchiness, or for the common cold. In 1943, George Rieveschl discovered diphenhydramine while researching muscle relaxers. Eventually, Rieveschl changed the name of the antihistamine relief drug from diphenhydramine into Benadryl. Benadryl is now a common household name, that has various uses, ways to be taken, and side effects.
The guiding question of this ADI lab was, “What are the identities of the unknown compounds?” The goal of this lab was to understand the relationships between moles and molar mass to find the identity of unknown compounds. The mole can be used to measure small amounts of a substance or is used to convert from unit to unit using dimensional analysis. One mole is equivalent to the molar mass in grams of that substance. If you start with the moles of an unknown substance, multiply it by a given compound’s molar mass, and then divide it by however many moles are in the compound of your choice, you will get the mass of the compound. With that answer you can then compare with mass of the compound in the bag to determine its identity. We first started
The purpose of our experiment was to observe the behavior of the pill bugs. We were trying to find exactly whether the pill bugs would be attracted or repelled by the chemicals. The chemicals used were vinegar, water, salt solution and a sugar
Belladonna alkaloids is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and intestinal inflammation in combination with other medications. IBS is an invasive gastrointestinal functional bowel disorder, characterized by a recurrent crampy diarrhea and abdominal pain. Belladonna works by decreasing motion of muscles in the intestine and stomach providing them with a mild sedation
The build up of stomach acid may cause irritation and excess pain to individuals. Luckily, antacids being a weak base can help relieve the symptoms and pain. Antacids, such as Gelusil, Medi-Firs, Alka Seltzer, and Alcalak are neutralizing agents of acids that become helpful to the human body when heartburn occurs. Heartburn, also known as acid reflux is a common medical issue that occurs when hydrochloric acid (HCl) from the stomach moves backward along the digestive track to the esophagus (located within the throat). This reverse flow of fluids causes a burning sensation due to and possible sour taste that is characteristic of acids [1].
In this experiment, anthocyanin was extracted from organic mediums and explored to find which source of extraction contains the largest quantity of anthocyanin, and in turn generates the most power. Chromatography was used in this experiment to determine the amount and concentration of anthocyanin extracted from each source. Ethanol was used as the solvent in the chromatography, as well as the extraction catalyst. The purpose of this study was to determine which extraction medium for the photovoltaic pigment, anthocyanin, is the most effective at generating power in a Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). Anthocyanin was chosen as the photovoltaic pigment because it has the appropriate chemical properties for organically dyed solar cells.
Anthocyanins have a positive charge on the molecule that enables to absorb light and thus have colour. Anthocyanidins are anthocyanins without sugar in their structure. They are pelargonidin, cyaniding and delphindin. As pH changes, the colour of anthocyanin also changes. In the acid conditions, the molecules have positive charge on the oxygen atom due to the acidity of the cell in which these compounds are formed.
The goal of this experiment was to synthesize aspirin. In this experiment aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid, was synthesized from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. In the reaction the hydroxyl group on the benzene ring in salicylic acid reacted with acetic anhydride to form an ester functional group. This method of forming acetylsalicylic acid is an esterification reaction. Since this esterification reaction is not spontaneous, sulfuric acid was used as a catalyst to initiate the reaction. After the reaction was complete some unreacted acetic anhydride and salicylic acid was still be present in the solution as well as some sulfuric acid, aspirin, and acetic acid. Crystallization, which uses the principle of
Introduction Antacid is in a form of medicine to help prevent and or correct the acidity level in one’s body, focusing mainly in the stomach. The stomach contains a solution of hydrochloric acid with a pH level of approximately 1.5 (“Stomach” par. 1). The use of hydrochloric acid is to help the process of digestion in the stomach however, if there is a high number of acid, and is intense and excessively concentrated, it can result in symptoms of heartburn and acid indigestion. Indigestion is a feeling of pain and discomfort in the stomach in having difficulties in digesting food. Heartburn is a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation throughout the chest, caused by acid regurgitation into the esophagus (“Indigestion” par. 3).
In vivo: In dogs, metiamide could inhibit acid secretion stimulated by histamine from both the Heidenhain pouch and the gastric fistula.
The purpose of this experiment is to separate the components of Panacetin and to see if the actual percentages of the three components matched the expected percentages. The second purpose of this experiment is to identify the unknown component that is present in Panacetin. In real world applications, this can be used to separate and identify components of many different things. One example is of “biofuels and chemicals produced by biological processes such as fermentation and algae often require a liquid-liquid extraction as the first step in recovery and purification” (Typical Industrial Applications, 2017). Another example that could be more relevant is “essential oil extraction that is used in pharmaceuticals, flavors, fragrances