
Commercial Antacids Lab Report

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Effects of commercial antacids on excess amounts of hydrochloric acid in the stomach
Gilliam, M., Morton, D., Osornio Padron, J., Simmons, A.,
Bahle, T. Lab Section Wednesday: 08/31/16

Introduction: If there is a high amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and an antacid is consumed, the antacid will absorb excess acid in the stomach. This reduction of hydrochloric acid is absorbed by antacids that neutralize stomach acid (Vodopich). The purpose of this experiment is to determine how commercial antacids perform in absorbing acids. The hypothesis is that the antacid in Tums will reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid inside the stomach.

Methods: For this experiment, the independent variable is the commercial antacid and the dependent

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