
Commodity In Karl Marx's 'Substranged Labor'

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In the first chapter of Capital, “Commodities Karl Marx introduces to his readers the relationships between “things” and human beings. He defined commodity as a material or a product as a way to understand how value works. His thing was to get his readers more involve in understanding that the labor of time is necessary to produce the commodity. He uses bottles and pencils as an example to explain commodities. According to Marx when embodied labor-time is measurable, it makes the creation of relative value possible. This only happen when the material existence of things is put out of sight in the market, but the value itself become an abstraction. The term use value, displays the use of wearing a coat that can keep a person warm. And the word …show more content…

The labor is measured by the amount of time employee spend working. When the employer tries to impose the norm this is when the disciplining of bodies comes to place. Marx argument of the relationships between “things” are only possible through the relationships between human beings, which means that capitalist mode of production can only make it look like it’s the other way around, with the relationships between things can also makes the relationship between people possible. What Marx was trying to do was to emphasize the reversal and the existing of reality in human. In The “Estranged Labor’’ the worker becomes alienated in the aspects and the Servitude of power. He explained, that when the worker becomes a servant of an object’ rather than being the object of a secondary to the worker’s needs, meaning that the poorer they are the more riches they produce. The labor that is under free enterprise is basically use to continue the system in which a worker is supposed to serve and products labor. The more the worker works, the more they are denied the abilities of life. Many workers end up working in order to get objects, rather than getting substance and by doing so they end up getting a little of

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