Tyrrell et al conducted a randomized, controlled trial to observe if ten grams of vitamin C taken during the first two and ½ days of a common cold would have any symptomatic relief. The primary outcome was patient-oriented as it assessed the effectiveness of vitamin C as a treatment option for the common cold. A total of 1524 people were enrolled in the trial and were randomly allocated. The treatment group were provided with a tube of ten effervescent tablets that contained one gram of vitamin C while the placebo group received tubes with substances of identical appearance and taste. The participants were instructed to take the tablets at the onset of a common cold and to record the severity and duration of their symptoms. The results suggested that there were no indication of symptom relief (rhinorrhea, muscular aches, days in bed, days off work, and total duration of cold) from participants who developed the common cold and were treated with vitamin C. The trial observed that vitamin C had a statistically significant minor reduction in the number of second …show more content…
Utilizing the data provided, NNT was calculated to be fifty-five.6 A NNT of fifty-five suggested that vitamin C needed to be administered to fifty-five people in order to treat one case of the cold. The NNT for an acute condition such as the common cold should be small to provide any benefits. This suggested that vitamin C provided little advantage in the treatment of a cold. The calculations of RR were not necessary because there were no interest with vitamin C as a preventative agent for the common cold. It is imperative to note that the study was conducted in 1977 and the standard of care in 1977 could differ significantly from present day. The study did not provide any data on the safety of ascorbic acid. In conclusion, the trial suggested that vitamin C supplementation had little value in the treatment of the common
Vitamin A and D have showed unexpected and crucial effects on immune system. Vitamin A includes innate immune towards microbial infection, absence of vitamin A can increase the chance of bacterial, viral, and parasitic infection. Also excessive intake of vitamin A Is associated with toxicity, including blocked hematopoiesis, mitogen-induced T-cell spread, antigen-specific antibody production, and an increased susceptibility to infectious organisms. Vitamin A is also given by Retinoid supplement to treat the skin effects of T-cell lymphoma. Vitamin C also known as Ascorbic Acid also contribute in innate immunity system, Vitamin C works during infection to prevent oxidative damage. Lower concentration of vitamin C in leukocyte is related to reduce immune response in humans. It has been proven that Vitamin C concentrations in the plasma and leukocytes rapidly decline during infections and stress. Iron chelators such as desferrioxamine inhibit the activity of phagocyte oxidase and reduce reactive oxygen intermediate-dependent killing of bacterial pathogens, both in vitro and in vivo. Lastly, Zinc is a dietary trace mineral that is responsible for growth and development, and it is essential for the function of cells of the immune system. It increased susceptibility to
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2013) national healthcare disparities report for 2010, influenza and pneumonia are ranked within the top ten major causes of death in the United States. The influenza viruses that will be discussed throughout this case study include the human influenza viruses: A and B. These viruses are responsible for seasonal epidemics during the fall and winter around the globe in temperate environments. Historically influenza outbreaks have had a seasonal distribution and characteristic time course although according to the CDC (2017) factors influencing the extent and severity of an outbreak are less clear. Generally, there are two or three different influenza strains typically circulating concurrently in any given
"An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where consumption of the plant beneficia is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of beneficia can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of nutritional supplements derived from beneficia. We predict this will dramatically reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces."
I enjoyed reading your discussion. You did a good job answering the questions. You were straight to the point and it sounds good. Both the common cold and the flu are caused by viruses. The common cold is caused by the rhino virus which makes your nose run. The flu is caused by the influenza virus as you have it in your response. Here is an interesting fact about the flu: in 1918 and 1919 the flu was so bad that 1/4 of the European population died out of it. The reason why the health facilities want people to vaccinate is to avoid what happened in 1918-1919. Also, the symptoms that you experience when you take the flu shot are 1/100 part of what would it feel like if you had that particular strain of the flu. So people should not complain too
I was in a dark, moss-ridden dungeon where the air vigorously hung with the scent of death and suffering. Chains lay on the cobblestone walls, with hammered metal shackles on the cracked stone floor. My lab coat collected dust like a dead old skeleton six feet under. The gun felt gelid on my temple, my scrawny legs were shaking extremely fast, I thought they would run away but I knew I could escape.
Influenza, or more generally recognized as the flu, is a virus that affects the upper respiratory system and can infect both humans and animals, but generally circulated throughout humans. It is an eminently contagious illness that is continually changing and has three known strains, Influenza A, B and C. While C causes nothing other than a few minor symptoms, its counterparts B and A can be disrupting, uncomfortable and in serious cases, lethal. Influenza A and B can both cause epidemics and pandemics, as well as being dispersed around seasonally. Symptoms of influenza include chills, a sore throat and cough, runny nose, headache and fatigue. This is because the virus infects your lungs and throat, irritating them. Due to the extra white blood
They experienced success with this remedy due to the large amounts of vitamin C present in the
CASE ONE CONTINUED: She returns in three weeks. Her chest X-ray was normal. Her symptoms are unchanged.
The play starts with a three witches' encounter on a violent stormy night, discussing Lord Macbeth and his return. Meanwhile, Duncan, Scotland’s king in a war against Norway’s king and the traitor thane of Cawdor, Macdonwald.
Production of Gothic Effects Through the Use of Formal Elements in Poe’s The Black Cat
To understand why the public’s health is in a precipitous decline it’s best to first look into the case of nutritional deficiency; are we getting all the vitamins and minerals our bodies require? One of the core issues is the misinformation on what a vitamin really is and why one should be concerned about this. The Food and Drug Administration has a firm stance that these synthetic vitamins
“A recent study published in Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine that looked at over 100 studies over 10 years revealed a growing list of benefits of vitamin C” (Kathleen M. Zelman, 2010).
We live in a society in which we are in a state of constant fear of diseases. From when we are young we are taught repeatedly to wash our hands before every meal and to eat an apple daily. Moreover, we are catechized on a regular basis to bundle up so we do not catch a cold or pneumonia. Likewise, our doctors advise us to visit them annually to make sure we don’t have deficiency related disorders such as scurvy or anemia. What if there is a vitamin that could aid in preventing the aforementioned illnesses? Would it not be worth a try? Consider this an introduction to vitamin C! Details on this “wonder vitamin” are elaborated in the subsequent paragraphs!
Summary Step: Now that you are aware of the so-called natural remedies in treating colds, I hope that you start saving money by minimizing the purchase of medicines sold in drugstores. And keep in mind that these natural remedies are ready any time to help you combat one of your worst enemies, colds. With them, you'll surely