The Common Good Approach regards all individuals as part of a larger community. As such, we share certain common conditions and institutions upon which our welfare depends. For society to thrive, we need to safeguard the sustainability of our community for the good of all, including our weakest and most vulnerable members. Some things that nurture a healthy, functioning community are: stable family life; good schools; affordable nourishment and health care; effective public safety; a just legal system; fair trade and commerce; a safe, well-managed ecosystem; an accessible technological environment; a well-maintained infrastructure; and a peaceful
If you examine a vehicle, you may agree that it is greater than the sum its parts. Individually, the engine, battery, tires, steering wheel, and steel body can’t haul a teen to school or an associate to work like they can when they are all working together as a cohesive unit. Just like any vehicle, the common wealth of a community is greater than the needs of the individuals that make up the community. When the individuals of a community entangle themselves in a web of wants and selfish desires, they tend to loose sight of the well being of the people who surround them, the environment in which they thrive off of, and, in the long-run, themselves. In conjunction, author Scott Russell Sanders’ article titled “Defending Our Common Wealth” highlights these points as well as emphasizes creating a new vision of wealth, encouraging community over consumption and consumerism to his audience.
that it encourages individuals to strive for good citizenship and corporations to contribute positively to society
– Achieving Economic Well-being so that they engage in further education, employment or training on leaving school, are ready for employment, live in decent homes and sustainable communities, have access to transport and material goods, live in households free from low income.’
A good society gives a good future for us and for the children, a good society also give us a good sense of security. I agree with Virginia Ramirez the every child has the right to treat it well. “ Every child has the same opportunity”.
Promotion of Common Good - The conditions which make it possible for women and men to readily and fully achieve the perfection of their humanity.
Community is built of two main elements. First, community requires communal caring. Members need to put themselves in positions where they are able to relate to other members and does everything “within reasonable limits of self-sacrifice” (65). The second is communal reciprocity. Individuals will serve other members of the community, not for exchange of goods, but to provide generosity and support. These elements of community appear in the lives of all individuals, even the most capitalist ones. Humans are entirely capable of these.
a common morality. Government as a moral force, in a way, works with social justice in that it sets the foundation of which social
For example, in “Salsa, Soul, and Spirit”, one of the eight communal policies was about leadership as a social responsibility, the idea that all leaders should strive to bring equality and justice to everyone, no matter what race or social status. I found that policy to align with the need of being compassionate, seen in “Why People Follow”. I feel that one needs to truly be caring for the unfortunate before starting any equality programs. One shouldn’t help out others just to get some public fame. People need to understand the seriousness of income and racial inequality before heading out and actually leading social responsibility. Another communal policy, generating a shared vision, also aligns with the need of having hope. During both instances, you as a leader need to have some direction going before you start leading. You and your partners need to trust yourselves that you have the ability to move forward and inspire others. Believing that everybody could would together and get things done builds confidence not only for you but for those around you. That confidence is what leads to strong, effective, and inspirational
In today’s world, people deal with the constant struggle of finding whose needs are more important. Individuals, and individualism itself, claim to have their life be there’s, and they can do whatever they please, however, when people put society’s needs before theirs, they are doing their good for society, and everyone around them. Society’s goal is to move the human population forward in a positive direction, and to help everyone instead of just one person. In today’s world, individuals must look at society, and social needs to fulfill their own needs, giving the needs of society more of an importance to all.
Additionally, our a variety of motives, our utilitarianism, and moral of the community. Eventually, dispense justice and fairness to those who deserve it.
The key is to for all people have adequate housing, food, and shelter without limitations due to finances, health care, food sources, or adequate and available housing, daily stressors in society today. A man, women or child should have a proper rest, feel good, fullness without hunger, and re-enter back into society with pride.
At the heart of the communitarian understanding of social justice is the idea of reciprocity: each member of the community owes something to all the rest, and the community owes something to each of its members. Justice requires responsible individuals in a responsive community. Members of the community have a responsibility, to the greatest extent possible, to provide for themselves and their families: honorable work contributes to the commonwealth and to the community's ability to fulfill its essential tasks. Beyond self-support, individuals have a responsibility for the material and moral wellbeing of others. This does not mean heroic self- sacrifice; it means the constant self-awareness that no one of us is an island unaffected by the fate
When the fire alarm sounds, the doors will automatically close, each door has 30 minutes to burn before it takes effect. Once the fire is allocated 999 will be called. In my service we have a fire plan and peeps (personal emergency evacuation plan), this gives information of who live where and their abilities and needs this will be read by an allocated person who will then ask members of staff to start evacuation, starting with the people we support nearest to the fire. Once the fire brigade arrive the lead person will hand over any relative information and the fire brigade will take over the role of evacuation. Staff and people we support will be evacuated to the fire call point which in my service is the main car park furthest away
The works that the people do to help their community include helping organizations that benefit the community, also they help build and develop better schools that will help the children that need to be educated. Making better roads and more transportation vehicles are also a part of common good. Common good involves having justice to the people which is by itself a part of the Core Democratic Values.
The population needs to be able to understand what they can do to positively impact their own