
Common Myths

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Are you one of those individuals who likes spreading myths around? If so, think again. Some of the common myths are

Common Myth 1: Sugar-Free Foods Are Healthy

It seems pretty logical that sugar-free foods are healthy. They are SUGAR FREE, right? Wrong. As an example, let's take a look at agave nectar. The drink delivers good amounts of fructose to your body. And your liver handles it primarily. Once your liver gets overworked, the remaining amounts of glucose get converted into fat. Not only you become overweight, but you take extra risks of getting diabetes. In simple words, your favorite "No sugar" beverages contain more fructose than a regular consumption of everyday sugar you desperately tried to avoid.

Common Myth 2: Multitasking …show more content…

The answer is simple. Our brains like distractions. It's always pleasurable to switch tasks and perhaps explore something new. But what we don't notice during such pleasurable moments is that the cognitive performance of our brains gets extra portions of stress from juggling multiple tasks. It often negatively impacts out physical health as well.

Common Myth 3: People Use 10% of Their Brains

Researchers come up with new discoveries on a day to day basis. These days we know more about our physiology than let's say 1000 years ago. However, there is still a lot of unchartered territories. And because of this, people have created an unlimited amount of myths associated with the human brain.

The brain represents three percent of your body’s weight. Yet, it uses only up to 20% of the amount of body’s energy. What you should understand is that different parts of your brain are active during different activities. Brain scans proved that there is no part in out brains that remains entirely inactive. When you wake up awake, most of your brain is hard at work. It processes tons of external information. Thus, if we only used ten percent of our brain, we would be just like sheep in terms of intellectual

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