
Common Sense

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Brief biography Thomas Paine’s life started in January 29, 1737 in the town of Thetford, County Norfolk. Joseph Paine and Frances Cocke were the parents of Thomas Paine and they both wanted him to become something in a higher profession other than to follow his father’s trade. With this intention, his parents made a sacrifice to enrolled Paine into the local grammar school at the age of six in hopes of him becoming a lawyer or a doctor but unfortunately, Paine dropped out of school later on in the years to follow his father’s trade. Paine didn’t do so well at that either and he experimented with other jobs such as a privateer, an excise, and finally a journalist. Paine became an important figure publishing many of his works including …show more content…

Along with this being said, Paine singles out King George III alone instead of the parliament and the entire body as a whole. Reason for this was the shed the light on who really was to be blamed for the policies created for the reason that the colonies only held the parliament and the ministers responsible and continued to glorify the king. Paine explains to the people, that the king is also accountable for the policies and should not be excluded. To add more insult to the king, Paine states “the wretch that with pretended title of FATHER OF HIS PEOPLE can unfeelingly hear of their slaughter, and composedly sleep with their blood upon his soul.” This statement had a great impact on many after and lead to the demolition of the king’s statue in New York. Paine had numerous reasons such as trading problems and no longer having the need for the British to protect them. But in the end, he made it clear that it was time for independence. How and why did Common Sense Change the path of the colonial rebellion? Common Sense influenced many of the colonial people’s minds by exploiting to them to the possibilities of being free from English rule and becoming their own self governing country. “He wrote clearly and directly, and he avoided the complex language and Latin phrases common in pamphlets aimed at educated leaders.” (Give Me Liberty,

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