
Common Sense Research Paper

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Putting Your Common Sense to Good Use
In my seventy-two years upon this Earth, I have had a multitude of experiences that no other man has had the opportunity, or misfortune of. I have travelled round the world and lived through the independence movements of two nations. I penned one of the most well-known pamphlets of the era leading up to the American War for Independence. I barely escaped death in France for my lacking of support to kill the current king of France (“Thomas Paine”). And it is from these times that I have learned a great deal about what is truly important to achieve a better nation, as well as a more prosperous life as an individual. I hope to further educate readers from my life experience as to what might better their time …show more content…

“I look into the various denominations among us, to be like children of the same family, differing only in what is called their Christian names” (Paine: “Common Sense”, 43). We all worship our God in different ways, but in the end, it is the same God to which we pray. Every man may have his opinion on what he thinks is true, and he has every right to tell others. But this man has no place to tell another that his religion is wrong. We are all God’s children, and need to respect and treat each other as such. I once stated that, “For all men being originally equals, no one by birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others forever” (Paine “Common Sense”, 16). No man was born into this world above another. Ranking was put into place to belittle others, which only gave more power to the strong. In a thriving society each and every member is important, and necessary to the growth of the community. I know that we all need to agree to support the equality for others, lest they will never receive the chances we are blessed with (Philp). No man is strong enough to take on the challenge of becoming equal alone. Because of the way of the world, we were blessed with the “right” to be on top. It is now our duty to society to bring up everyone else as well, helping them battle their way to the equality that we take for granted. Equality helps the every growing society to …show more content…

My intent of penning this manifesto was in hopes to inspire others to continue on with what I had done, as well as improve upon my ideas to continue to make better lives for all. It is necessary to remember that by enlightening others of the opportunities for growth in these issues, that a greater self and society can be accomplished. The legacy I pray to leave behind would be one of great inspiration to others. I wish to not only empower them to follow the path that I took in my life, but to increase the prosperity of it. Throughout my life, I faced a great deal of trials and tribulations. I lived in three countries, each with a number of successful adventures, as well as utter failures. I have endured a great deal of adversaries, in which I hope that you gain knowledge without having to repeat mistakes I created in the past. I wish you great luck in your endeavors to better your world by using the words I have provided. But lest not forget your Common

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