
Common Vices In Greek Mythology

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Throughout greek mythology, characters constantly encounter punishment or misfortune due to seemingly bad qualities that they may have shown. Three of these common “vices” in Greek mythology include disrespect or arrogance toward the gods, hastiness and greed or envy. Athena curses Arachne for thinking she could challenge her at weaving, Hera curses Echo for thinking that she could outsmart her and Athena curses Medusa for desecrating her temple; all instances showing how Greek characters usually get cursed or encounter misfortune because of disrespect directed at the gods. These traits are commonly shown in a negative way because of the Greek’s belief that the gods are superior and should not be challenged. In the myths of Midas, Pandora and Icarus, the main character quickly rushes into a decision that they later regret. …show more content…

With all the change happening in the past couple of decades for equality and unity between people it has become a very bad thing to be judgemental against another human being. The world has come a long way in trying to eliminate the lines that divide people which is why in modern society, being offensive towards someone else can be seen in an extremely hated way and affect multiple different people. Taking the previous trait a step further, it is seen as incredibly negative to exclude someone based on a judgement because it is not necessarily the facts nor is it fair to ostracise a person over one element. Another quality that is looked down upon in civilization today is extreme narcissism or selfishness which can also be seen as putting yourself above others in times of need. While in normal social encounters, a sense of self-worth is promoted, in times of stress it is seen as malicious to abandon others and consider only

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