
Common Vices of the Student

Satisfactory Essays


Some controversy remains about how the text messaging affect the learning of today’s youth. Generally, the use of text messaging is due to the popularity and also the common use of cellular phones in growing technological phenomenon. The information presented here represents the data from internet resources regarding how text messaging affects the elementary and high school students’ learning experiences. Since the research has examined the various information of the relationship of text messaging and students’ learning experiences. Text message can affect a person’s writing skills. They use inventive spellings and abbreviations in text. Thus, teenager’s writing skills have turned into sentence fragments because of the …show more content…

These problems occur in all of the schools in the world therefore it requires an attention to be addressed. Most of the students that do bad things are those who have family problem. These problem they are experiencing inside their houses affect the performances in schools. Failing grades is a serious effect on the students because it indicates how they are emotionally hurt and affected. There are many forms of problems that happen inside their own houses that drive them to engage in doing vices, to break the law and even to stop schooling. How does family problem affects the performance, and behavior of the students is school? This is the question that really needs an action. It requires be study. It requires to be answered so that we can help those student on how they can handle this situation. Every student that suffers inside the house is suffering everywhere they go. By studying these, we will learn how to help those

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