Commonly Misspelt Words The words that I experience personal challenges in spelling include surprise which is often written as suprise, weird which I put as wierd, changeable which I misspell as changable, grateful as greatful, and maintenance which I often write as maintainance. Meanings and Use in Sentences Surprise: Something unexpected (O’Brien, 2014). Italy’s failure to qualify for the World Cup surprised many people. Weird: Suggesting something unnatural or strange; that is, far from usual expectation (McKean & Chast, 2002). It is weird to see Catholic priests smoking cigarettes. Changeable: Shifting or able to be exchanged (O’Brien, 2014). Today’s weather is increasingly changeable. Grateful: Showing appreciation, being thankful
As a writer one of my weaknesses is spelling. Grammar is a struggle I have when I write. A strength I have in writing is punctuation.
Rhetorical Analysis An outlier: a person or thing differing from all members of a group or set. Quite the defining name for Malcolm Gladwell's book the Outliers. Gladwell argues against our daily belief of a successors successes. Throughout his examples in the book, Gladwell starts off by retelling the assumed story behind a person success.
I love to be creative; with words, designs, pictures and see my expressive strengths as areas I want to pursue in college. I have finally come to terms with the fact that I will always be a terrible speller. It’s not a good feeling to know this and to regularly have my spelling corrected by my friends and peers but I do my best laugh it off. Humor gets me through the uncomfortable situations of being in an environment where the perception of being a good reader and speller is a reflection of intelligence. For example, I will often throughout the day be called on in class to read something out loud. To any other person this would be no big deal, but not to me. I spell words the phonetic way, so trying to decipher a word on command is embarrassing and
However, the definition or normal or ordinary is not so clear, which leads to a more complex definition of aberrance. One which, according to the user, can vary greatly.
Outliers, a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample. This basically states that anything that lies outside of the norm is an outlier. In the book Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell he focuses on the different set of skills, timing, background, and effort a successful person needs to have in order to become successful. Unlike most books or biographies that write about the intelligence and ambition of an individual, this book looks around the individuals, instead of directly at them. Gladwell look at the outliers of these individuals, and determines how they have become successful, either by their skill, their luck, their effort, and their whole background and what lies around them.
Discussion Strange is different from what is usual, normal, expected, or unfamiliar. When out of a comfort zone, certain behaviors and appearances can be deemed as strange. Strange is subjective and differs in meaning between people.
What people generally identify as weirdness are actions or behaviors which others do not usually do. One of the stories of Wiseau when Sestero met him in an acting class they took together was about his confidence. Wiseau, the pirate, was arguing with the instructor who was serious and intimidating to students in the class. Sestero was trying to utilize Wiseau’s weirdness to drive the story of their relationship and the legend of The Room and also to engage readers with the Wiseau’s character and the book.
the spelling of certain words can seem illogical and may have no other similar spelling in
Have you ever been on a trip and met some unusual people? Not in the sense as creepy, but as in weird? This occurs to Roald Dahl in "Going Solo." On his trip to different places to work for the Shell Company, he meets two rather odd people. One who likes to run around the deck naked with his wife. And another one who finds fingers and toes disgusting. (The Voyage Out, 64). Both of these two people meet Dahl on his trip. Dahl thinks they're both different in sense of he doesn't have the same impression for both of them. But the way Dahl describes them and their actions show that they might not be so different after all.
Society today is quick to judge and state what is wrong and what is acceptable by the public. While some differences between Spelling Matters and Use Your Own Words are obvious, the similarities are relevant. Anne Trubek says that perhaps it is time to change or alter grammar rules to match the current generation and culture. We should advance our guidelines about what is proper and improper along with what is happening right now with the language. While Mikita Brottman says, “bad spelling can be a godsend—a way of weeding out those who are thoughtless and inattentive to detail” (p. 219).
An outlier is a person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system. In other words, an outlier is somebody who goes out of his or her way and does something extraordinary in order to accomplish their goal. Martin Luther King Jr. is a true example of an outlier. In the early 1900s, segregation was strongly recognized in the United States, until Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for what he believed in and made a change. Although he made a difference to the United States, he was assassinated in the making of this process. This assassination is an example to why Martin Luther King Jr. is considered to be an outlier. The novel Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell is a detailed explanation
My child a second grade student participated in a Primary Spelling Inventory and the reflection of her results are as follows. The spelling inventory took place in a classroom with twenty other students in attendance. This made it difficult for her to hear me sometimes because of the noise volume. After I repeated the word and used them in sentences she would correct her former spelling of the word, which she did often. I was interested in her nonchalant behavior when she took the test. It seemed that she knew every word and was happy with herself from the smile on her face. To my surprise after her spelling inventory was finalized thinking that she may have done very well because she never seemed frustrated by the words I was calling out.
Abnormal is something deviating from what is normal or usual, typical in a way that is uncommon or irregular.
Abnormal behavior is defined as a psychological dysfunction within an individual associated with distress or impairment in functioning and response that is not typical or culturally expected (Durand, 2005). There are