
Communicable Diseases : Communicable Disease

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Communicable diseases are diseases that can be transferred from one person(reservoir) to

another(susceptible host). This can be through direct or indirect contact. For the infection of an

individual to take place it follows a partway known as communicable disease chain which


Infectious agent e.g Microbes and virus

Reservoir e.g humans and animals

Portal of exit e.g respiratory and integumentary

Mode of transmission e.g direct and indirect

Portal of entry e.g respiratory, gastrointestinal and blood

Susceptible host can be an individual whose immune system is low.

Chicken pox (Varicella) is one of the very contagious communicable diseases. A lot of

changes has been seen in the epidemiology of chicken pox since the introduction of the vaccine

in 1995. In America, the incidence, complications, hospital admissions, and deaths in children

and in the general population, has been reduced immensely as a result of the introduction of the

vaccine as well as the people’s participation in the routine childhood immunization, showing

strong immunity. Similar immunization programs have been adopted by several other countries,

including Uruguay, Germany, Taiwan, Canada, and Australia, Africa e.t.c (Uptodate, 2016).

According to Center for disease Control and Prevention [CDC ] (2016), in United States, every

year, more than 3.5 million cases of chicken pox, 9,000 hospitalizations, and 100 deaths are

prevented by peoples participation in

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