
Communicating Effectively Skills

Decent Essays

Mastering Communication

Axia College of University of Phoenix

"If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would choose to keep the power for speech, for by it I would soon regain all the rest." – Daniel Webster

We spend most our lives interacting with others. We all have different reasons to talk to different people. We say things in a certain way depending on who we are speaking too. There is a lot more to communication than just putting words together and saying them out loud. The ability to communicate effectively takes real skill and learning this skill never ends.

Being able to communicate effectively is probably one of the most important skills one person can have. Communication is our gateway …show more content…

Be aware of how you carry yourself at all times. Make sure that your body language compliments what you are saying. Delivering an important speech will not be effective if your shoulders are slumped and you avoid eye contact. You will have more of an effect on people if you stand tall and make eye contact, it shows them that you are confident and that you acknowledge their presences.

Relationships fail, jobs do not get done, and time is wasted when communication is ineffective. Ineffective communication results in misunderstanding and assumptions. It can also lead to your needs not ever being met. No one can read your mind and if you cannot get your message out clear enough for those around you to understand, you are only making your life harder.

If you can master the skill of communication, you enable yourself to open many doors that will remain closed to those who do not possess this

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