Module 3 SLP Assignment
Course Number: ITM-524
Dr. Ken Myers, PhD
Communicating as an IT Professional: Important or Insignificant?
So there I was!!
360 degree communications is a must in any IT project. It is the key factor that keeps everyone informed and fosters your credibility and cooperation of others. 360 degree communications does not mean to share every tidbit of information about a project with everyone involved; in fact it is the opposite. An IT Manager should only share the pertinent critical information within particular sections, however using newsletters or websites to share overview project progress or design “can sometimes spur that last elusive piece of critical information needed to
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360 degree communication involves communicating up, down and all around with relevant others to help insure increased personal and organizational effectiveness.” (Myers, 2009). Maj Ferijah agreed on all aspects of the definition and went on to add that “as a soldier it is very important that you are politically sensitive to the current chain of command”, and that “you must completely understand your audience, especially when your briefing incoming VIP’s or local government officials. You will brief both completely different, you must understand what they expect to see and not surprise them with anything”. Maj Ferijah has a complete understanding of 360 degree communications and his observations were spot on. When asked about persuasive and influential communications Maj Ferijah explained that, “this is an everyday occurrence for me. Trying to get resources in a very limited environment that I’m working out of is extremely difficult”, and then went on to say “ you must understand that trying to explain upgrades or IT specific stuff to non IT soldiers is very frustrating but you need to influence them by telling them, in laymen’s terms, how it will benefit them. Then you can pretty much get anything you want once you figure out what motivates them.” I also asked him what he believed to be good communications practices, both orally and written. Maj Felijah stated that, “they don’t teach everything you need to know at some military school. You have to develop this on
As an Intelligence Officer for the Australian Army, the main role is to provide the intelligence support required by commanders and staff at all levels. The role requires the highest calibre of noetic suppleness and flexibility and the facility to operate at the tactical, operational and strategic levels and to integrate with joint, inter-agency, inter-governmental and multi-national agencies. This environment will additionally demand culturally astute and situationally vigilant officers, comfortable in dealing with capricious circumstances in an asymmetric battlespace (Defence, 2016). As an Intelligence Officer for the Army, virtually all forms of communication are utilised. This includes logical fallacies, mediated communication, mass
Mentorship and proper training from the lowest level all the way up to the highest General in the Army must be re-established! A fighting force that is recognized around the world should always be the epitome of professionalism with the outmost representation of character and leadership! This balance role of the Professional leader has dramatically needed a fresh approach towards cultural diversity and knowledge development. Be, Know, Do are active words that embrace the traits of a competent leader who should always abide by them, such substantial principals can’t be ignored in our line of work. Forward operations highly depend on knowledge, ability and engagement of a competent leader, this is where we as Non-Commissioned Officers earn our tittle of The Backbone of the Army. We help balance the force through direct involvement in the daily lives of our
Each person had a unique perspective on troubleshooting and repair, but was still able to accomplish the same goal. Some soldiers were more linguistic which gave them the ability to convey information more effectively. Then others had the ability to analyze and trouble shoot mapping out idiosyncrasies and patterns within equipment and processes. These abilities among others made our team more effective and able to solve abstract problems whether it was communication or mechanical.
One our challenges in the United States Army is the lack of communication and not listening to the words of the Soldiers. An effective two way communications allows the unit to complete the mission and receive positively feedback from one another. Our organization will be able to share ideas, voice their opinions, and determine suggestions that can benefit the unit readiness command. Senior Noncommissioned Officers can take considerations on any suggestions from their peers and adapt it in real-life situation. The sender and the receiver should not be misguided or receive any negative feedback that can cause an unhealthy work environment.
Norman Schwarzkopf’s autobiography It Doesn’t Take a Hero. I could imagine myself being in General Schwarzkopf’s shoes. He was also selected to attend the USAWC without ever serving at the strategic level. After graduating the AWC and being passed over for promotion to Colonel, he realized his need to broaden his assignments outside the tactical/operational level and volunteered for an assignment at the Pentagon. Later he stated, “I worked hard and gained a reputation as a team player who knew how to get things done in the bureaucracy – something of which I wasn’t entirely proud.” At the strategic level it is imperative that you be able to communicate well. Strategic leaders will not only be required to communicate vision with our subordinates, but also we will be called upon to work directly with political leaders, senior military officials, DOD civilians, _________. Schwarzkopf was not only very good at this, but he was also intentional. He writes, “It was a form of diplomacy I genuinely enjoyed.” As a Chaplain, working at the strategic level, I will be required to engage with religious leaders from other countries. This is extremely important as it relates to Religious Leader Engagements (RLE). Chaplains can be an effective tool as it relates to the Information aspect of the national instruments of power. As religious leaders we have a common ground with other nation religious
1. The IMCOM-Europe Public Affairs Office (PAO) will project command communications that are fed from the LOEs. The PAO will utilize multiple mediums in order to be transparent and communicate effectively to IMCOM personnel, current and potential customers, and the general public. Through constant communication, the goal by 2020 is for the Army to be more informed and aware of IMCOM’s innovative professionals and extraordinary services and facilities that support their premier Army.
The United States Army understands the need for effective communication and proper preparation and presentation. To help each soldier communicate, the Army has developed four types of briefings and the steps needed to prepare and present each briefing. By having an outline and format standardized by the Army, it gives each soldier the ability to create the proper briefing needed to effectively communicate in today’s complicated world. Learning each military briefing format and the reasons why we use one briefing over the other is the goal of this paper.
3) Have we as an organization been successful in the sharing of information between other elements of the military?
Xcom285 has taught me many valuable assets that I can use in my future, but I believe that the most valuable thing that I have learned is that communications is not just talking. Communications is about listening and writing as well. It is important in business communications to understand that to effectively communicate one need’s to tune into everything that is going on around him or her. This means that he or she needs to understand the audience, the purpose of, and the most effective way to deliver or receive the message. When discussing resources businesses use to effectively communicate, I learned other methods of
I truly believe that in order for us to consistently accomplish the mission, our Soldiers must know what we expect of them. By doing this I need to communicate using my words to coach, teach, encourage and provide clarity regardless of how big or small the task may be. As leaders, we add value to people when we value people. Be honest and upfront with expectations and take the time to truly connect. Practice listening to your subordinates; they have the right to be heard, most of the time they will bring a different perspective to a solution.
I was in a strategic communication working group meeting yesterday with the 11 AF public affairs officer Capt Schmidt (formerly Capt. Wassem( she got married a few weeks ago)). She stated to Col. Maxon, the ALCOM Deputy Chief of Staff, that Jeff Douglas would be very helpful if he could come up and help them prepare their strategy that they are to present to Lt. Gen. Wilsbach. Capt. Schmidt stated how Jeff had been very helpful in previous efforts and that he had the advantage of a PA rather than IO background. Col. Maxon also has a public affairs background and is very leery of information operations being in a leadership role in policy formation. It was a bit awkward as I didn't want to appear as an overt salesman for Booz Allen, but I mentioned that I would see what options were available and also stated that there might be other options within the firm that could provide assistance/expertise similar to Jeff Douglas if he were not available.
- It 's not that the information is not out there or is being put out. It 's about how are you receiving it. Most of the time when we go out to an environment and talk to soldiers they 're not paying attention. They 're there because their commander said they had to go, Gainwell said.
All employers want you to have a basic understanding of the technology being used in whatever area of the Information Technology (IT) field you go into; however, the most important skill has nothing to do with computers or networks. Tammy from the Industrial Credit Union put it succinctly. “Communication skills are a priority. Someone with tech skills are a dime a dozen.” What employers are looking for is someone with skills and the ability to communicate. Communication skills are key to a successful career in IT.
The motivation behind this report is to present the different data security vulnerabilities and malwares which posture potential risk to the protection of customer and association and what are the rules to be taken after with the goal that we can decrease the danger of getting assaulted from such malwares.
In the military, a leader’s ability to extract intent from a message from its higher command, and then begin planning to meet that intent is crucial. As the world continues to become increasingly technologically based, fewer meetings are happening in person and more through email and video chat. Michael Dickey, a professor at Northern New Mexico College, eloquently stated: “Technology is a double-edged sword, because even as it enables individuals across space, time and organizational boundaries, heavy reliance on the technology renders distributed work environment participants prone to miscommunication” (66). This is true because even in an environment with audio and video conference capabilities, there is a potential loss of information in the way the information producer sounds and looks due to distortion in the quality of the