The idea of scaffolding helps to reduce the hierarchical feelings Steinman (2007) mentions. Students feel that they have a more direct method of communication with an instructor when they are given the opportunity to receive direct, personalized assistance. Instructors can also help to alleviate the feeling of disconnection by utilizing tools such as virtual office hours or videos (Steinman, 2007, p. 47). Technological advances such as videoconferencing give students an even more realistic feeling of instructor connection. Services like Skype and GoToMeeting allow for video calls between students and instructors. These videos allow students and instructors to share computer screens for feedback on assignments, show handwritten work, and connect in an almost face-to-face manner. These sessions can even be recorded for later viewing and reference if the student wishes. Online interaction can seem very cold and disconnected, but using technology in the right way can help students feel more engaged with the course and with the instructor. A similar tool could be used to help engage students with one another. Steinman (2007) states, “Interaction requires ‘presence,’ which means that students can become fully engaged in the activity by bringing their personal opinions, values, and beliefs to the conversation” (p. 50). Using videoconferencing and similar tools could allow students to communicate with one another in a more open and honest way. Even videoconferencing with the
Hence, if a person takes any other online class they will not be afforded such interaction. Additionally, in order to partake in such a class one does not simply need to buy the typical classic course tools such as a textbook, pencil or pen and a notebook. Rather, this type of course also requires one to purchase or own a headset with a microphone or a webcam. The reason for this is because one uses it to communicate and further access the class’s various visual aids, see the teacher’s face, and observe the instructor’s body language.
CM spoke to Kim Shipmon (DCPP) via email in regards to a follow-up on mentor services for Joseph (youth). CM is aware that youth is currently on DCPP waiting list for mentor services; CM provided DCPP with a link to the Big Brothers Big Sisters application. DCPP will complete application for a mentor.
For this assignment, we are to have a general discussion with our colleges. Harris, T., & Sherblom, J. (2011) Small group and team communication. We are opening up a discussion about how the communication model applies to today’s communication techniques; In addition to the classroom materials given through the words of wisdom text. Trust me; I have tried this on my own. After reading the assignment list, I was sure I understood the topic. I told myself “Oh I do this daily, this will be easy.” Little did I know after reading the material, I may want to dig deeper. After reading the course material and picking up a few tips from my colleges. I realized there are many levels of communications, and to effectively communicate, it’s best to use the communication process.
Using electronic mediated communication, such as text messages can be a great way to communicate. However, when beginning a relationship, face-to-face contact can be the most intimate way to get to know each other. When a person pours “their all” (everything about them including life events) in a text message, one cannot be taken serious. You have to find common ground. “For many people, texting is a major source of relationship communication. People age 17 to 25 tend to text their romantic interests more than older individuals do,” (Coyne, Stockdale, Busby, Iverson, & Grant, 2011). You have given him so much in a text message that he has not been given the opportunity to learn anything about you in verbal conversation. There is no way you
Communication can be considered as one of the most important parts of human life that has evolved during the history of our existence. Different methods of communication from smoke signal to sign languages to face to face communication have played an important part in our lives. Rapid development in the technology field caused evolution of electronic communication and we started to develop better and faster tools and methods to communicate with each other.
Students are able view the lectures on their own time, they would be able to use class time for practice and valuable activities. The flipping of our traditional model will encourage the students that find it difficult to meet and collaborate with other students outside of the classroom, to collaborate more often and contributing to student outcomes. I will be able to identify problems early on, class distribution and provide plenty of opportunity for practice. (Bergmann & Sams 2012)
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) has increased exponentially in the past 10 years due to the advances in technology. I believe that it has connected us in way beyond anything we could have ever imagined and on the opposite side of the spectrum created isolation at the same time. CMC has increased the number if people that we can communicate with in our lives. We can talk with people from other counties without regard to cost due to broad availability primarily through the World Wide Web. For example, Facebook allows a person to connect with one person or thousands of people at the same time. It also maintains a history of our interactions resulting in near perfect recall of intimate interrelations. As I think of how CMC has changed the
Topic Sentence: By improving the image you have of yourself (self-image) you can better improve your relationship. Having good self-esteem encourages a positive attitude or outlook on things and towards others around you.
Communication is evolving quickly, offering us more options than ever before. Cellphone calls, texting via short messaging (SMS), Skype, teleconferencing, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and face-to-face communication all play a major role in how people communicate with others around the world. Despite how I may fee, face-to-face communication is the best way to communicate with people because a lot of things won’t get taken out of context and their won’t be any misunderstanding.
As an individual responsible for training or educating adult learners your feedback from those students or participants is sometimes lacking. In a training environment many participants treat them very loosely because there are no consequential test following the training and most times there is very debriefing from direct supervision; instead meeting notes tend to follow for reference. The location of those notes tend to be the most important information to the participants. In contrast, the lecture hall in an educational setting tends to have a greater percentage of engaged attendants. Students tend to participate more due to sense that is actually a part of their grade. Dr. Geis did admit that online does have less engagement than the traditional classroom but still greater than a corporate training session. In the en it was concluded that personal interaction has more engagement; however, students have a much greater retention and expectation from teaching or training.
However, advocates of classroom learning believe the online method isolates the students from one another as well as their professor minimizing the overall value of taking the course. They also claim that students learn better when working together with their instructor and their fellow classmates. Students learn better when they are given the opportunity to ask questions, join in class discussions, and they move the process of learning forward through their participation. Face-to-face advocates firmly believe that this kind of interaction is not possible over the Internet; and for many types of education, e-learning will never meet the potential of live human interaction in the classroom. An article in the New York Times titled, “Second Thoughts on Online Education,” backs up the points made above. A recent research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, comes to the conclusion; “A rush to online education
Compared to classroom learning, the interaction occurring at online courses is more international. Learners can develop online conversations on forums and interview other students around the world by using web-conferencing technology (Kruger-Ross and Waters, 2013:182). However, it is reported that students prefer face to face contact directly with the tutor who was seen as the focal point of learning, a channel through all interaction that connects ideas, builds understanding, provides feedback and gives summary immediately (Sweeney et al, 2007:316). Additionally, establishing social relations may need classroom environment (Paechter & Maier, 2010:295). Classroom teaching and learning is a complex, multilayered, and social experience, which develops friendship, connection and satisfaction among students. Social community is considered to be relatively poorly experienced in online learning due to learners’ disconnection and could probably cause isolation (Baturay & Bay, 2010:44).
Each person’s communication style is a unique combination of their own innate skills and those learnt both formally and through experience. Most people have a preferred style or a combination of styles that they use in the majority of their
In expanding on this topic, there are a number of factors that serve to distinguish between electronic communication, and where the people have some level of actual human exchange. One of the greatest issues surrounding electronic communication (i.e. texting and chatting), is the absence of tone, reflective listening, and voice (Wiederhold 2015). What is left are simply the visual words that can easily be taken out of context. Although colorful ways have been created in an attempt to ensure what a person is trying to say, in many instances, words and meanings are taken out of context (15). One example would be using capitalized letters. In the world of social media, capital letters means the person is upset however; when two people are verbally communicating, bolding one’s words could also mean that the person is emphasizing. Furthermore, the many abbreviations also are problematic, because people have gotten lazy and the longer the text conversation continues, the shorter the full sentences and the greater the possibility of being misunderstood, often leading to conflict (15). The same holds true for chat rooms. The written words, where maturity is lacking has also served to drive some of the largest issues on social media; cyber bullying, the inability to build social skills, and pointing to the increased level of isolation by young people.
Communication has always played a significant role in human life. It is an essential means for people to socialize. Also, it is another way to learn about the development of culture in a country, even in an era. However, corresponding in the past has been especially inconvenient, and people usually have to wait for a long time to get a letter. As an example, the latest post is expressed by letters from relatives, staff members, soldiers, Vancouver Fort and the Vancouver Barracks. Familiar views, vintage postcards featuring Vancouver Barracks, Mount Hood and the First Interstate 5 Bridge are represented there as well. This particular exhibition looks similar to the role of communication that was two hundred years ago. “The educated people could transform their genuine feelings into writing,” said Anderson, “though not necessarily fast” (Tom, 2012). However, with the development of technology, particularly the computer and the internet social networks are becoming more and more popular. Also, more and more people, which include not only young people but also old people use social media sites. For instance, Julie states in the article that when she got sick after her husband passed away, she used Facebook as a connection and entertainment. She sits every night alone which is a way for her to mingle without having to go out. She is careful not to post things that will make her look happy; therefore, she does not like to share things that make her look heartbroken. One day,