
Communication As A Communication Tool

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Introduction to the Topic The assigned reading for forum 5 discussed interpersonal and organizational communication channels in the workplace. The different types of communication are oral communication, formal written communication, non-verbal communication, and presentations. Satterlee (2013) shows the communication process to involve a sender, a receiver, meaning, encoding, the message transmittal, a channel, decoding, interpreting, and feedback. A successful leader will be able to communicate clearly at all levels in an organization. The best method for message delivery is considered an interpersonal face to face communication (Popovic & Hocenki, 2009).
Three Concepts The three important concepts from the readings this week are interpersonal communication, etiquette, and social media as a communication tool. According to Ramaraju (2012), the effectiveness of communication is crucial in the era of the communication revolution. Great communication is essential in any business organization between the leaders and the followers.
Interpersonal Communication. Communication is the means to transmit information, whether it is verbal or non-verbal (Satterlee, 2013). Communication is the exchange of shared meanings between people (Ramaraju, 2012). Communication skills are one of the skill sets most valued by employers when hiring new employees (Choren, 2015).
There are different types of communication. The primary method of communication is oral. Oral communication

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