Does communication change us is a question that can have many answers but my answers is that it can change people being able to communicate is good for people that feel like trash it can help them believe they are wanted and love, without communication they could have live on thinking there not love or wanted to believe the world is full of hate and they were misplace. Most people say they are OK they are god their fine when there not the feel like there falling to pieces, crashing down wanting someone to know to understand someone to talk to but to scared to say anything so they hold it in and cry alone not wanting to be left alone scared of being rejected by the people they love the most but when they have someone that show they care knows they are hurting and that there them for them and they have someone to talk to that they are not alone anymore that communication can help change there thought on oneself help them have confidence and help them smile instead of crying in the dark to smile a real smile. …show more content…
The simile he use is ''For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow''the effect is life become plain and feels like it frozen in snow because life with dream is full of life and hope with out that life bares nothing. He uses personification to say that dreams can leave and can
People always listen to music, watch movies or plays, and even read poetry without once even thinking what is could be that helps and artist eventually create a masterpiece. Often times, it is assumed that artists just have a “gift”, and people just do not consider the circumstances and situations that gradually mold a dormant idea into a polished reality. This seems to be the case with nearly every famous actor, writer, painter, or musician; including the ever-famous Langston Hughes.
Effective communication may have a positive impact on individuals lives as it will give them confidence. The more confidence they gain the more willing they will be to try new things. They will have more self-esteem and will be able to apply for work. Effective communication can give them a better social life, they will want to spend time with others and less likely to become withdrawn and depressed.
Communication can affect relationships in a variety of ways. Good communication can encourage participation and help to create equality between people. Having good communication will help to build relationships/friendships and promote independence. Inadequate
Communication is part of everyday life between people and can be used in many different ways. People communicate to build relationships with one another, but also to maintain those relationships formed. When a relationship is built through communication, people then can express their needs, wants and feelings to each other, as well as being able to reassure an individual. Communicating allows people to share thoughts, ideas and information to others where
Another reason people communicate is so that they can build positive relationships with people and ensure that any support that may be needed, is given in the right way. Positive relationships can turn into wonderful things and can create a great bond with the other person involved which also creates trust eventually.
magine America with no rules, government, or any type of structure . This is thanks to Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers for creating , The Declaration Of Independence . Although the Jefferson and the founding fathers anticipated a better country after the creation of the Declaration Of Independence , America has not fully fulfilled these hopeful ideals. However America has come a long way since then , we still have work to do as a nation .
James Langston Hughes was born February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. His parents divorced when he was very small, and his father (who found American racism made his desires to be a lawyer impossible) left the family and emigrated to Mexico. Hughes' mother moved with her child to Lawrence, Kansas, so she and he could live with his grandmother, Mary Langston.
Langston Hughes is an extremely successful and well known black writer who emerged from the Harlem Renaissance (“Langston Hughes” 792). He is recognized for his poetry and like many other writers from the Harlem Renaissance, lived most of his life outside of Harlem (“Langston Hughes” 792). His personal experiences and opinions inspire his writing intricately. Unlike other writers of his time, Hughes expresses his discontent with black oppression and focuses on the hardships of his people. Hughes’ heartfelt concern for his people’s struggle evokes the reader’s emotion. His appreciation for black music and culture is evident in his work as well. Langston Hughes is a complex poet whose profound works provide insight into all aspects of black
Success: the one concept humans strive for. It is natural for man to want to succeed, to feel the glory and fame it beholds. Now, the need for success is called ambition. Ambition is the feeling inside that pushes someone’s desire to obtain a certain goal, honor, or success. Society also contributes to people’s success.
After poetry is written, published, and circulated, analysis of the poem must take place. It unveils and discusses the themes, figures of speech, word placement, and flow of the piece, and "A Dream Deferred," is no exception. In Langston Hughes's poem, A Dream Deferred, the theme is that no really knows to dreams if they are not reached, and very realistic figures of speech help convey this idea; the poem can be surprisingly related to Mr. Hughes's life through the subtitle and quotes from Langston himself.
People communicate to show their needs, to share opinions they have. Effective communication can build strong relationships and create good social rapports.
What motivation or change did my connection with this piece of literature create in my thinking? In my relationships?
. The exposition in any story or poem is the beginning, probably the first paragraph that lays
According to Biography, James Mercer Langston Hughes is considered to be an African American poet who is college educated and comes from a middle-class family (Langston Hughes Biography). He attended college in New York City and became influential during the Harlem Renaissance (Langston Hughes Biography). Although Hughes was a talented writer, he faced some challenges early on and it was stated that his “early work was roundly criticized by many black intellectuals for portraying what they thought to be an unattractive view of black life” (Langston Hughes. American Poet). They believed that his work helps the spread the stereotypes of African Americans. “Hughes, more than any other black poet or writer, recorded faithfully the nuances of black life and its frustrations” (Langston Hughes. American Poet). Langston Hughes’s poems “The Negro Mother”, “Let America be America Again” and “The Weary Blues” were influenced by his life during the Harlem Renaissance and the racial inequality experienced in the late 1920s through the 1960s.
In conclusion, communication helps us better understand an individual or situation. Communication enables us to resolve differences, build friendships and trust. Could you imagine the world without communication? Imagine having generations all over the world which would have to learn everything from scratch, this is what would happen without any communication.