
Communication In The Movie Stepmom

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A family may face many trials involving illness, divorce or change in family structures. The movie Stepmom is a story of a divorced couple who are battling with the dilemma on how to keep their children happy despite the unexpected events and change of their family structure. In this movie, the children will learn how to cope with the new status of their parents as well as how to deal with the new woman in their father’s life. The movie presents family resiliency and durability and survival as they go through lifestyle changes and stressors. Stepmom is a movie that provides a picture of family values, processes, behaviors, as well as healthcare practices.
The Stepmom movie portrays a character of a divorced couple Luke (Ed Harris) a lawyer …show more content…

It is being able to convey the message effectively to the family by being respectful, honest, open, with minimal judgment and criticism resulting to successfully providing adequate nursing care. Communication includes nonverbal, such as eye contact, touch, and facial expression. The doctor in the movie was honest to tell Jackie about her chances and treatment options in battling her cancer. Moreover, power is the ability to influence, control, and change another’s behavior and is expressed when making decisions in the family. Power was portrayed when Jackie decided to stay home and spend her last days with her family instead of travelling to take chances for possible …show more content…

When Jackie was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she preferred to stay and spend her last days with her children instead of staying in the hospital or going to another country to take chance and seek treatment. Jackie arranged her end-of-life care to stay home, while she gives her presents and bid goodbye to her children.
Adaptation refers to the family’s change in behavior to each other and to the outer world situation when life changing situation happens (CITE 161). With the divorce, illness, and a stepmother coming into the family, each member of the family’s threshold of tolerance has been pushed to change in order to adapt and meet the internal and external changing demands. The family in the movie, learned how to accept each other by recognizing the goodness of every

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