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Unit 1: A1 P1: Communication information and skills. * Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care context:
One to One: One to one communication is when two people have a conversation and they both listen to each other and take in turns to talk. You could use this in health and social care when you talk to your GP and you both ask questions and listen to each other. You use this in health and social care because you can have more of an in-depth conversation and you can concentrate on your client more than if there were others around you.
Groups: Group communication refers to communication between 3 or more people. Small group communication includes numbers from 3 to about 20 …show more content…

friend or GP.
Signings & Symbols: there are many common signs and symbols that people would automatically recognise. A wave of the hand can mean hello or goodbye. You can use this in health and social care setting when you are talking to a person who is disabled and can’t talk or someone that is deaf and has difficulties communicating you would use sign language.
Touch: touching another person can send signs of care, love, power or sexual interest. You should think before touching someone in a health and social care environment as it could come across as inappropriate. If you give a child a hug when they are upset in a nursery or hospital this shows that you are caring and trying to make them feel better, but if a adult hugged a teenager this may come across as too intimate. You can use this in health and social care when you are in a care home and a client is feeling lonely and upset and you give them a hug they would appreciate that and not feel offended by it , as long as it’s appropriate and you have their permission to touch them.

Music and drama: Arts Therapists, who specialise in art, drama or music, use their chosen art form as a therapeutic intervention to help people with physical, mental, social and emotional difficulties. Arts Therapists work as autonomous professionals with a case load of clients in a variety of settings

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