Unit 1: A1 P1: Communication information and skills. * Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care context:
One to One: One to one communication is when two people have a conversation and they both listen to each other and take in turns to talk. You could use this in health and social care when you talk to your GP and you both ask questions and listen to each other. You use this in health and social care because you can have more of an in-depth conversation and you can concentrate on your client more than if there were others around you.
Groups: Group communication refers to communication between 3 or more people. Small group communication includes numbers from 3 to about 20
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friend or GP.
Signings & Symbols: there are many common signs and symbols that people would automatically recognise. A wave of the hand can mean hello or goodbye. You can use this in health and social care setting when you are talking to a person who is disabled and can’t talk or someone that is deaf and has difficulties communicating you would use sign language.
Touch: touching another person can send signs of care, love, power or sexual interest. You should think before touching someone in a health and social care environment as it could come across as inappropriate. If you give a child a hug when they are upset in a nursery or hospital this shows that you are caring and trying to make them feel better, but if a adult hugged a teenager this may come across as too intimate. You can use this in health and social care when you are in a care home and a client is feeling lonely and upset and you give them a hug they would appreciate that and not feel offended by it , as long as it’s appropriate and you have their permission to touch them.
Music and drama: Arts Therapists, who specialise in art, drama or music, use their chosen art form as a therapeutic intervention to help people with physical, mental, social and emotional difficulties. Arts Therapists work as autonomous professionals with a case load of clients in a variety of settings
Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care setting.
You must be able to understand what the person requires, act on it from the initial information until the matter is concluded, pass on the information to the relevant person/s to ensure the patient’s needs are met, this process takes time to have faith in your colleagues, to challenge them if you feel the right
In this assignment, I am going to review four cases, which will require a number of different communication skills focusing primarily on; developing a therapeutic relationship, communicating assertively, communicating effectively with an individual with a disability/impairment and communicating with individuals from another culture. I will discuss building a therapeutic relationship and effective communication with each patient.
P1 – Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context
In this essay I will be analysing the communication and interpersonal interaction that took place in various sectors such one to one interaction, group interaction and how effective these skills and other elements in the health and social care setting such as the environment was being demonstrated.
P4 Explain strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.
One- To –One communication – A one to one happens when a person speaks to a individual, or writes to the
This is what Daisy mainly uses to communicate with you. Most nurses/carers manly use both of these forms communication when they give/receive information about care that has been provided for an individual. Nurses/carers need to provide emotional support to the individual or a family member, when carrying out an assessment of the individual’s care needs. (French, 2002) (Kraszewski, S. and McEwen, A., 2010) (Waters, A. and Whyte, A., 2012)
P3: Explain factors that may influence communication and interpersonal interactions in health and social care.
Communication is simply the act of transferring and receiving information from one person to another. We communicate for a variety of reasons such as to share information, to comment, to give instructions and to share opinions. Effective communication involves a two way process in which each person tries to understand the view point of the other person. Moreover, communication is a cycle because when two people communicate they need to check that their ideas have been understood. Good communication involves the process of checking, understanding, using reflection and active listening. Effective communication is highly important for the health and social care sector. If professionals use effective communication then it could help them to focus on fulfilling the needs of service users. There are several theories of communication that can be applied to a health and social care environment.In this assignment we will explore two theories of communication in health and social care.
Unit 1- D1: Explain how communication skills can be used in health or care environment in effective communication
P1 Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care
Creative arts therapists may work with a variety of people. They can work with children who need support and counseling, people that are in homeless shelters, and prisoners in a correctional facility. A prisoner explained how this unique type of therapy has helped them, “Drama showed me how to interact with others. Most of all, it gave me a way to have excitment in my life without the use of drugs.” Creative arts therapy can help anyone who is struggling with mental illnesses and can improve their mood to help them be happier and to help with daily
Each of the creative arts is unique modality; they have their strengths and power in using expressive arts therapy for different kinds of people. Dance therapy is through your body movement to connect to your mind and effects changes in feelings. Drama therapy allows you to take on various roles that to express your emotions and feelings through the act. Music therapy provides indicated treatment in the making music processing which helps clients improve their
1. Despite the difficulty in making predictions, many people make assertions about what will happen in the future. I think that this is because of the many biases and errors that are involved in decision-making. Overconfidence bias means that most people are far too optimistic in analyzing situations or making decisions. Although no one has the ability to accurately predict the future, people think they know more than they actually do, making them more confident than they should be when they try to do so. I also think that people make assertions because we tend to selectively gather information that confirms our past and use that to create an assumption