
Communication : The Components Of The Communication Process

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1. Communication entails the transfer of information between two entities; the sender and the receiver through accepted principles and rules comprehended by both the two parties. The procedural steps that communicating parties undertake to achieve the information delivery is referred to as the communication process. The process involves the sender encoding the message then selecting a communication channel to use in the communication. The receiver, on the other hand, receives and decodes the message. The receiver may also provide the desired feedback to the sender. The channels of communication include spoken word, written word or electronic communication, etc.
2. There exist eight components of communication namely; the source, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context, and interference. The source is the genesis of the message. The message is the information content that is intended to be transferred. The receiver is the entity whose information is intended for. The feedback is the information from the receiver to the sender about the information sent. The environment is the surrounding under which the information is sent, received and feedback offered to the sender. Context refers to the circumstance under which the information is sent, received and feedback offered. Interference refers to the factors that may play a part in making proper communication impossible. Interference may be in the form of noise in the case of verbal communication.

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