
Communism In The Soviet Union Essay

Decent Essays

In 1924 capitalism was no longer prevalent in the Soviet Union. The change was due to a sweeping absorption from the Communist Party of everything that could be possibly controlled to secure power domestically, and changing the minds of a nation to all see capitalist behavior as wrong. Once eradicated, scare tactics went from highlighting the negativity of domestic capitalism, to how the nasty capitalists of the outside world were going to get them - despite there being no reality in those actions to back up the accusations. So with unlimited domestic authority and a cultivation of false foreign hostility, with the help of the secret police and an economic monopoly, a new power structure shaped the Soviet Union.
By 1947, these threads were still prevalent, but two things more strongly structured the at the time contemporary Soviet outlook. One was how capitalism was inevitably going to break down and the other was how the Kremlin was infallible. The government were convinced, and therefore the people, that the status quo need not change, because they had it right and everyone else was wrong. Communism was praised by the Kremlin in such ways that made it difficult for anyone to disagree, plus no organized groups were allowed outside the party in order for it to remain in control. A third very important feature of the Soviet power structure …show more content…

Not just holding the line if the Soviets lashed out, but really putting some pressure on the Kremlin for them to see the issues in their internal affairs and to improve their foreign policy. Just the US performing at its best has a large influence on the Soviets. The US succeeding politically and economically in their capitalist society pokes holes in the what the Soviets have been drilling into their communist societies for years. The US taking on some responsibility here could only be beneficial for both

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