
Communism: The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

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Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, scientist, and journalist. Most famous for his Communist Manifesto, Marx coined the idea of a society in which economic hierarchy did not exist. He continued his work focusing on social and political economics, especially concerning Europe throughout the 19th century, by criticizing capitalism. Karl Marx had a multifaceted view on politics, economics, and society which was affected by the development of his ideas, the influence from those around him, and his influence on others. Karl Marx was a flexible thinker whose ideas shifted and developed as a result of the furthering of his studies. Within the beginning of his career, Marx had a vision of fulfilling labor through a model of ‘true’ freedom …show more content…

Marx was known mainly for his opinions of capitalism and the idea of communism. However, Moses Hess, a renowned French philosopher, and socialist, greatly impacted Marx’s ideas. Hess formulated the idea of capitalism involving the isolation of labor, but Marx took this notion over and continued it. Additionally, Marx noted that a communist society needed capitalism; meaning that communism would not be initiated without capitalism as a prerequisite. While this idea is distinctly Marxian, Hess was seen to be the source. The use of Hess’s ideas showed Marx’s ability to expand on other’s ideas in order to further his own. Furthermore, Wilhelm Schulz, a rather unsung author, greatly influenced and assisted Marx. Marx published the 1844 Paris Manuscripts as well as Capital, both of which included Schulz’s observations on the growth of poverty and physical deformation in the working class due to the capitalistic industry. This showed how Schulz’s work was able to heavily influence Marx’s work as he used his study to prove how disastrous capitalism could …show more content…

Marx’s work was expanded on to create different forms of his work. For example, Marxist oikology appeared when Marxist ideas were expanded. This sect of Marxism was based on the Greek word oikology which mean the study of household. Okios and logos, or reason, referred to the management of the economy as it was the study of the household of formal commodity exchange. This means that Marxist oikology studied specifically the household or environment that economic necessities thrive in. Furthermore, other specific ideas that supported Marxism emerged such as dialectical materialism. Dialectal materialism, which was unknown to Marx, was the theoretical foundation of Marx’s work. This appeared as a way to understand reality through thoughts, emotions, and the world. Engels described it as “the science of the general laws of motion and development of nature, human society, and thought.” While Marx not known of this system, it emerged because of his work as it is the theoretical essence of his work which contrasts to the practice of Marxism which is known as

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