Why Community college should not be free
There are many reasons community college should not be free. First of all, if community college is free for two years commitment levels of students will drop. Also there will be less money for facilities. The last reason why they should not offer free community college in California is that instead of helping college students the government should focus on helping public education K-12. Community college should not be free because it can affect California in many ways there will be less money for facilities, over crowded classes, and instead of helping community colleges they should focus on Elementary, Intermediate and High Schools.
For example since it will not affect the students or their parents economically student commitment levels will drop . Students will not try their best to get the A in the class or have a high GPA. Students will waste a lot of the teachers and colleges time because they will attend community college and then withdraw. Judah Bellin of Minding the campus insists “Making community college free for these students will likely have little to no impact on their success, only about 20 percent of community college students actually transfer to four year institutions”. (Goral 14)
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However, if community college is free for two years it will affect the college because there will be too many students and over crowded classes. Too many students can affect the professors because they might become stressed, overwhelmed and it can have a negative impact on the quality of education that the teachers can provide to their students. It can also affect the students because they can fall behind as a result of the teacher not having enough time to connect with the students on a deeper
The second reason why community colleges should not give out free tuition is because this could actually lower the rates of students becoming successful. According to Andrew P. Kelly from the article “Should Community College be Free”, he said in an interview that “Free community college could actually lower rates of student success; the literature suggests that is less selective than they are academically qualified to attend reduces students’ chances of graduating” (Kelly) (2). Furthermore, this article also shows student’s performances are weaker in free colleges than normal colleges. This means that by giving out free tuition to students will also make them more laid back and not focus on studying as much as they should be. This is a little
Andrew Kelly, a center director on Higher Education at the American Enterprise Institute, and other experts are not in favor of free community college. Their basic objection is that making completely free college could lead student not being motivated to complete a degree. Kelly argues that even though community colleges are free, still the rates of student success is low (57). The author’s point is that the voucher-based system (particular amount received by the government per year or semester) makes the community colleges free which would not increase the rate of graduation. Hence, removing this system would not make student motivated s as its just removing the obstacle of educational expense. Kelly concern is right because free community
In conclusion, there are many different reasons why college shouldn't be free. These reasons include, students not getting a higher education to set themselves apart and everyone's taxes would raise greatly. Students would not take their education seriously, and college would be as crazy as a headless chicken. Students will not be as successful after college if it were free because being in college was too easy. Those are a few reasons why college should not be
Community college which is usually paid off by the government through grant and fee waivers for for low-income students is a way of continuing your growth after high school, although these institutions aren’t the very best type of education you can get it is a start. The type of students that usually go to community colleges are either low income and can't afford to pay for any other schools(without help from financial aid) or people who simply didn’t get the best grades in high school but still chose to continue their path of education. In the article “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea.” Joanne Jacobs explains to us some of the pros and cons about having free community college. With the cons weighing out the pros, in my opinion, community college should not be free because it would take away the significance of going to college. I highly doubt that college students would want to slack off in classes that they are paying for. It works sort of as like an incentive since money isn't easily earned, so by allowing students to attend college for free would make community college more of a continuation of high school.
Many people also drop out in the middle of the school year because of how much they’re in dept and have to stop learning. Making community college free would benefit many
“Forty percent of college students choose community college…Whoever you are, this plan is your chance to graduate ready for the new economy, without a load of debt,” quoted President Barack Obama (Calvert). The average community college tuition is about five thousand dollars or less. Compared to an average four-year college, it can ten to twenty thousand dollars of tuition. Let’s say you decide to go to a community college after high school or whenever. You would most likely be saving a lot of money by going to a community college instead of a four-year school. Imagine how much you would save if America’s community colleges were free. Not having to pay for two years of college would save around ten thousand dollars,
“There’s something about free that’s very clear to everyone.” (Joanne Jacobs) says Halley Potter a Century Foundation fellow, and everyone can agree with this statement. In the article “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea,” by Joanne Jacobs, it explain how a student from Rio Hondo College (community college near LA) are “uncertain about President Barack Obama’s free college plan,” (Jacobs, 1). Free community college is a bad idea because community college is already almost free as it is with all the grants you can receive and financial aid or even scholarships. It is also a bad idea because even though it can be a powerful impact on lower income students it won’t be as beneficial because the colleges will become overpopulated and they would have to make waiting lists for you to get in and that will waste your time and you might get behind on graduating.
I personally don't think that college should be free. Students who pay for their college are more motivated, hard working and independent. Many students would have poor motivation to finish school, because they can always come back. As a matter of fact students with ambitions to get university degree are learning much harder in high school than other, who thinks they don’t need an extra paper. There are many students that are so smart, and they will find the way to get money for school. With extra work and help from family students will be able to afford college tuitions. Students need to depend on themselves; otherwise every taxpayer will have to cover their education expenses. There are several reasons why
Although I believe the first two years of community college should be free to all; many people would disagree. One of the biggest controversies surrounding the issue of free community college is the enormous cost it comes with and how it will be funded. According to Emily Deruy, the author of the article The Debate over Free Community College, “The chances of community colleges nationwide becoming free are slim. The White House has said it would cost the federal
Community college should be free for all students who want to attend school. There should be a set of rules applied to those that would take advantage of this privilege. In the United States, there are not very many programs that offer the opportunity for students to attend free colleges like other countries have. Some examples of the countries are Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany and France. The U.S. does have some programs that offer free tuition. For example Tennessee offers free tuition to students. The Tennessee Promise is a scholarship program that pays for your community college so you can go there tuition free. Another program is the Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) in New York at the City University of New York. Community colleges should be free because it would not only attract more students, but would help students to focus more on school rather than thinking about how they are going to pay for their education. However, we need guidelines for applicants to attend such as maintaining a high GPA, giving back through community services hours, and other rules and guidelines to attract students that would continue to excel in their education and not waste the opportunity given to them to work towards a good career and give back.
For example, students might not try as hard as if they were paying for it. Dropout from community colleges might increase. Community college diploma will not be approvable to big companies. Another point, community colleges are already affordable to everyone, there is no need to make them free. Let us not forget that the nation debt still on the rise.
Tuition-free community college education would increase the percentage of workers having a college degree, most of the jobs require at least high school diploma before. After all, tuition-free community college ensures the future for a nation providing knowledge and skills to all people in the community.
If college was free students would have to want to continue their education and get a degree. While free would make college affordable, those receiving the benefit would need to have stipulations for the free classes they are attending. Michael J. Petrilli is the president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. Petrilli states, “… just 40 percent of 12th graders are college-ready, even though nearly 70 percent already head straight into college.” He is correct that many high school graduates are not prepared to transition to college. Many don’t have the attention span to sit in longer classes. Students are used not study over a time period, but rather cram the night before the due assignment. Some stipulations would be; you have to finish and get a degree, you have to keep your GPA up, and if you drop out without a good reason you have to pay back the money you used.
There are so several benefits to for students entering a community college with the tuition free program. “A full-time community college student could save an average of $3,800 in tuition per year” (White House, 2015). This would be an affordable option for students and would be a stepping stone towards getting a bachelor’s degree. Individuals that may not qualify for the Pell Grant or other grants could also benefit from it as well. More students would probably choose community colleges over for profit colleges/universities in order to lessen college debt.
Students drop out of college, and the problem is usually time and money. Those who are able to take out loans for college also are required to pay the money back. Besides that, most employers do not allow workers to change their schedule when student need to change it. Some students who drop out of college eventually return back to finish their degree, but most of them don 't ever re-enroll back again. If the government proposed free community college to its students, everyone will happily attend college and get an education without the frustration of paying tuition fees or any other bills that have to do with college. Although, Government offers free education to students with great academic performance and talents, but are not considering all the students that cannot afford education.