
Community College Should Not Be Free Essay

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Why Community college should not be free
There are many reasons community college should not be free. First of all, if community college is free for two years commitment levels of students will drop. Also there will be less money for facilities. The last reason why they should not offer free community college in California is that instead of helping college students the government should focus on helping public education K-12. Community college should not be free because it can affect California in many ways there will be less money for facilities, over crowded classes, and instead of helping community colleges they should focus on Elementary, Intermediate and High Schools.
For example since it will not affect the students or their parents economically student commitment levels will drop . Students will not try their best to get the A in the class or have a high GPA. Students will waste a lot of the teachers and colleges time because they will attend community college and then withdraw. Judah Bellin of Minding the campus insists “Making community college free for these students will likely have little to no impact on their success, only about 20 percent of community college students actually transfer to four year institutions”. (Goral 14)
Secondly, …show more content…

However, if community college is free for two years it will affect the college because there will be too many students and over crowded classes. Too many students can affect the professors because they might become stressed, overwhelmed and it can have a negative impact on the quality of education that the teachers can provide to their students. It can also affect the students because they can fall behind as a result of the teacher not having enough time to connect with the students on a deeper

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