While for some students it is a challenge, and even a dread, to fulfill my schools’s 25-hour community service requirement, the number 25 was never of much significance to me. In fact, I had already surpassed this quota in the summer before entering my freshman year.
After spending five years as a youth cheerleader for Whitney Jr. Wildcats, I was not ready to let go of a program that gave me some of the best days of my childhood. WJW was about so much more than athletics. They helped me break out of my shell, develop my character, and learn to cooperate with teammates and coaches in order to maximize my success on and off the field. In my years as a cheerleader, I admired the high school instructors that came day in and day out to bond with us and strengthen our skills so that one day we could be just like them. They were not compensated or rewarded in any
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But for me, it was never about the hours. Not once did I feel like I was there as an assignment. I came back day after day, year after year, because of the relationships and the experience. Not only did I become close with so many children throughout my years, but I met some truly amazing adults that have offered me their support in all my endeavors. Coming into the program extremely shy, they helped me find my voice and become an exceptional leader. Whitney Jr. Wildcats allowed me to discover my passion for teaching. While cheerleading happened to be the subject I was teaching, the impact reached so much further than stunting and tumbling. It became about improving the kids’ lives, teaching them to be kind and work together, to have integrity and to take these qualities and apply them in their lives. I find it so rewarding to work with children and be able to share my knowledge to help them become the best version of themselves, and this is something I will continue to do, whether it be through sports, school, religion or any other
Many high schools around the country have made community service hours mandatory in order for the seniors to graduate. Not everyone agrees that this should be a requirement because seniors already have enough on their plate. When seniors are about to graduate, it does not matter how many tasks they have to complete as a requirement if they do not feel like doing it and they have no motivation they will not complete
Truitt came to realize her love for children during her career so, she got her teacher certification and went back to school to receive her masters degree in educational administartion. This allowed her to become a exceptional education teacher while still residing in Florida in 2005. She continued teaching there until 2012, when she had he second child. As a single mother of two, she made the decicion to move back home to Abbeville where she knew had a supportive family. Continuing her career as a special education teacher in her home town lead her back to her high school sport of choice, cheerleading. When the cheer coach stepped down, Ms. Truitt was asked to take over and I will forever be grateful that she accepted the task. I was nervous to try out for cheerleading in 2015 because I knew that Ms. Truitt was somewhat of a tough teacher with a backgroung in criminal justice. Classmates that had cheered that year before encouraged me to try out anyway saying that it was not as bad as I thought. When I made the team I was ecstatic but still nervous to be around Ms. Truitt. It did not take long for me to find out just how wrong my first impression of her was. Within weeks of making the team, she had become a mother figure in my
I do believe as a community college student that everyone deserves a right to a college education. In today’s world, it is very hard trying to find a job without some college degree. I don’t believe that community colleges should not allow potential students to attend their institution because of their “background.” To me, attending a community college is like your second chance of redemption, or if you don’t think you are ready to attend a university but still want to further your education then you should go to a community college. Just like Southwestern Michigan College I also believe in knowledge for all.
To know me is to love me. I am Rhonda Veronica Williams a Graduate Student at Chicago State University, enrolled in the Masters of Science in Geography with a double concentration in Geography/Sociology. Futuristically, I would love to teach the Social Sciences to high school students, such as Geography, Geography Information Systems, Urban Planning & Public Policy to all high school students. The reason why I am pursuing the Master's degree is because it makes me more marketable.
When I was a senior in high school I was accepted to Penn State and a few other schools, and was really pleased with how I had done at the end of my four years at my school, Council Rock North. But after a few weeks of investigating the potential costs and realizing that my savings would not be able to cover the costs of attending a 4 year school without putting my family and myself in a lot of debt, I realized that I could instead go to the local community college. I really liked this option because it allowed me to explore many of my passions for Computer Science without making a huge investment and locking myself into a certain path. Having now spent the last 2 years at Bucks County Community College, I've really deepened my passion for
Without the most understanding coach at KVHS, I wouldn’t have been able to pursue cheerleading. Coach Sam pushed me to the best of my ability and understood through the ups and downs. This sport helped me push myself to greater extents emotionally and
For some students coming into high school with a mind set to continue their education after high school would be the student that would complete the 100 hours with no argument. But then you could get a student coming from a single parent home with possibly other children in the where as the incoming Freshman could feel obligated to be the other parent and therefore, 100 hours of community service being a requirement could push a kid over the edge.
Upon being asked by a new friend about “What it was like to attend Jeffersonville High School?” and “How do you feel about becoming an alumni of JHS?”, I will have bittersweet memories of this unforgettable time in my life. In order to answer their question, I will have to reminisce on the wonderful educators, coaches, and students that I’ve encountered in my time at Jeff High. I will say that I was able to learn lessons in high school that I can carry with me for the rest of my life and I wouldn’t trade the experience. I would not be the person I am if I hadn’t been academically challenged by my teachers and mentally/physically challenged by my amazing athletic coaches. Individuals who don’t attend Jeff High, miss out on a chance to be apart
A continuous debate that is currently receiving much attention is whether community service should be a mandatory graduation requirement. Preparing students to effectively function in the real world is an important aspect of our education system. Today more than ever, there is an emphasis on having experience before beginning work. Most jobs are now focused on looking past your resume to see what you have given back to the community. Nevertheless, it is important that schools focus on preparing college students for the work force by mandating that they receive all of the necessary exposure and experience. Numerous schools across the country have mandated that in order for their students to graduate, they must complete a predetermined amount of community service. In Maryland, high school students are required to complete a minimum of 75 hours of service in order to graduate. However, this decision has resulted in a lot of mixed responses. Advocates of this decision stress that mandatory community service opens doors for students, while the opponents feel that it takes away valuable time from students who need to focus on their education. I believe that gaining experience outside of school is critical for future success in life. To ensure that students are prepared to transition smoothly from school to work, they need to be involved with the community while in school in order to build the leadership skills that are necessary to succeed.
During my four long years at Buena had seemed to be drawn out perfectly. I was a cheerleader for all four years, and was very musically inclined which led me to choir since I had played the flute for seven years. As a cheerleader, I had learned what it meant to be on a team, without the girls and/or boys on the team if they are not there, there is no substitues for the game/show, it showed me that, not only being punctual but always to set a proper example for academics. Without a cartain grades we would be uneligible to participate and it was our duty to excite the crowd and try to involve the school, now this wasn't a bad thing because it was something I loved.
I see my life as a series of experiences that build upon one another and, through my hard work and determination, lead to overall long and short term goals that I have set for myself. There are thousands upon thousands of things that affect my life both directly and indirectly all of which have varying degrees of influence on me. Three areas of my life that most certainly have had a profound impact on me are scholarship, spiritual formation, and service. These three areas have affected me positively, and have motivated me to pursue higher levels of education, and have challenged me to set my lifetime goals higher. Though I'm not exactly sure where I will end up in life, I know that if I let my academics, spirituality, and service
Do you ever feel like you could do more for people in need? Because I do a lot but I feel like I could do more things for the people in need .
Within the duration of my life, I am certain I can say that I have put others above myself and looked out for the ones around me, rather than looking out for myself. In my high school career I have been on various sport teams, including volleyball, soccer, and basketball, all of which I loved to play. Throughout each season I would put my best effort towards the team and think about the activities I could do that would benefit my teammates most, other than only myself. I have seen players with a selfish attitude and it doesn't benefit the team in any way, and I don't want to be one of those players, so I try my best to think about my team first. Another way in sports where I portray this motto of “Service Above Self” is helping and volunteering with youth camps available for younger girls. The camps I have helped with have been soccer, basketball, and volleyball youth camps; all of which have been at least three days, and follow the camp where I was previously attending. I love working with younger kids, so helping these girls with their skills is also something I enjoy doing, and I’m happy I can be a leader to these girls while being someone they look up to for guidance and teaching.
If someone ever asks me what my drive was, I would have to say I want to be a better person. The four principles scholarship, character, leadership, and service hold a central staple in my life. Trying to be the best version of myself to improve life for others and myself is my goal in life.
When I was just a 11 year old boy, I remember the dread that flowed through my body when my CCD teacher told us we needed to complete 15 hours of community service in order to pass the class and move towards confirmation. I went the whole entire year pushing it off, until finally, it was the final week before the hours were due. In that week, I crammed 15 hours of community service into a few days. Believe it or not, the 11 year old me did not learn from my mistakes, and the next 3 years I did the exact same thing. Finally, I was a freshman in highschool, and I decided it was finally time to step it up and be responsible. Now that I was 14, I had to complete 25 hours, but this year was going to be different. I decided that I was going to do