
Community Service Admission Essay

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While for some students it is a challenge, and even a dread, to fulfill my schools’s 25-hour community service requirement, the number 25 was never of much significance to me. In fact, I had already surpassed this quota in the summer before entering my freshman year.
After spending five years as a youth cheerleader for Whitney Jr. Wildcats, I was not ready to let go of a program that gave me some of the best days of my childhood. WJW was about so much more than athletics. They helped me break out of my shell, develop my character, and learn to cooperate with teammates and coaches in order to maximize my success on and off the field. In my years as a cheerleader, I admired the high school instructors that came day in and day out to bond with us and strengthen our skills so that one day we could be just like them. They were not compensated or rewarded in any …show more content…

But for me, it was never about the hours. Not once did I feel like I was there as an assignment. I came back day after day, year after year, because of the relationships and the experience. Not only did I become close with so many children throughout my years, but I met some truly amazing adults that have offered me their support in all my endeavors. Coming into the program extremely shy, they helped me find my voice and become an exceptional leader. Whitney Jr. Wildcats allowed me to discover my passion for teaching. While cheerleading happened to be the subject I was teaching, the impact reached so much further than stunting and tumbling. It became about improving the kids’ lives, teaching them to be kind and work together, to have integrity and to take these qualities and apply them in their lives. I find it so rewarding to work with children and be able to share my knowledge to help them become the best version of themselves, and this is something I will continue to do, whether it be through sports, school, religion or any other

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