During my last three years of high school I've earned ribbons for being a great cadet in jrotc.My first ribbon was the community service ribbon.I was so proud of myself,I didn't get it handed to me I had to work for it.Another thing I did was maintained honor roll every nine weeks.I want to become higher than that and stay focused on my grades and class work more. My senior year I got into band and became a majorette.Being a majorette had changed a lot of things it pushes me to keep everything up and together.When I dance I stop thinking about all my problems.I let them out and it's just for once the world make sense and everything is better.I feel that without dancing sometimes I can over stress myself and make things harder than there
Dancing has been my passion since the age of three. Wake up, go to school, go to dance, go to sleep. My life was a routine of the same day playing over and over again, and I loved it. My senior year of high school I was accepted into the Commercial Dance program at Relativity School. I felt my dreams become a reality of the perfect future I had always worked towards.
A 2017 study found that more dancers had positive changes in mood than any other sport. Not unlike a "runner's high," rhythmic movement has been shown to trigger the release of endorphins, which can boost your mood. As much of a mental exercise as a physical one, dancing keeps the mind sharp. In adolescent females, a regular dance class positively impacted their mental health. A study by the American Medical Association found that adolescent girls had more positive thoughts and felt more confidence after dancing. They reported better feelings about their overall health after participating in structured dance classes that focused on enjoying movement rather than perfection and performance
Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age; but they die young. And dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals because dance is a song of the body, either of joy or pain. Stifling an urge to dance is bad for your health — it rusts your spirit and your hips.
Being committed to competitive dance for 15 years has immensely impacted my life, as I have not only progressed technically and performance-wise, but I have been given numerous opportunities for self growth and development. Dancing has shaped me into a well-rounded, confident individual who is able to prioritize responsibilities, cooperate and collaborate with others, and exhibit strong leadership skills. Involvement in any extra curricular can aid one in developing a true passion, and through dance, I have been fortunate to find my passion.
Ali explained that dancing has many benefits, such as relieving anxiety, helping with depression and self-esteem building. She also highlighted the interpersonal benefits of dancing, like a sense of community, social support and just having fun. Ali’s laid-back personality reflects the calming nature of dance.
Dance is one of the major things that defines my identity and it is an interest that had become so meaningful, that without it my application would be incomplete. This has been able to shape me throughout the years, from discipline and maturity all the way yo leadership and teamwork. I find dance as an art work, that it is easy to make mistakes and fall, you just have to learn from those mistakes and get up twice as strong as from where you started. Dance is to look above and beyond and just let everything fall into place without hesitation.
Dance has influenced my life in many ways, but one experience I will never forget is when I earned Senior Feature Dancer. As a dancer, a person, and the woman I am becoming dance has always been so important to me. It immediately caught my attention because it was my escape and my happy place. My passion for the sport is what gave me motivation to do better and gain confidence that I lacked. I was able to make friends who would last me a lifetime.
Thanks to this dance I feel more of a connection when I dance with my family and I am more confident and It makes me dance a lot more than I used to. Dancing is huge in my family it makes us (in my opinion) more connected being able to laugh and spend time together just makes a difference. I have a big family +100 cousins and I always feel like I'm close to every single on them because of dancing. This class gave me a better understanding of why my family dances it really gives a connection to everyone who is dancing. Also I think everyone should take a dance class regardless if they need it for their major, I being a chemical engineering student still think it is very relevant to take this class because I think it helps broaden who you interact with
Dance is not only physically asset but also a mental challenge. There is the pressure of performance, there is the pressure to remember and get all your steps right in order to improve, and also as a dancer you are constantly working on technique so that everything is perfect. As you can see, dance
These classes weren't just fun but they were healthy for me. They were getting me to be up on my feet and active, rather than lounge on the couch watching cartoons. It was also a stress reliever when I danced it felt as if all my worries just melted away with every single step. Having something that relieves your stress to where you can have fun is also an important part of a healthy lifestyle especially with mental health. I also participated in majorette during all of my years in high school, even making captain my last year on the line. I practiced an hour or more every day. This was also another chance for me to be active, but also enjoy being active. Making my overall lifestyle healthier. Finding activities you enjoy performing makes a huge difference in your health. It not only gets you on your feet and forces you to be active, but it gives you an outlet to put your stress into and enjoy yourself, which benefits your mental health, an aspect just as important as physical health. You get to enjoy the benefits of your favorite things to do such as dancing and
According to a study published in the American Journal of Health Education, dancing increases life satisfaction while Swedish researchers found that adolescent girls who had problems like anxiety, depression, stress as well as back and neck pain, saw a positive shift in their metal health, emotional state and mood after they took dance classes. What was most impressive however was that the boost lasted up to eight months after the sessions ended.
On 10/3/16 at 1838 hrs, I was dispatched to a Lewd & Lascivious Molestation call for service at PEMHS (11254 58th St, Pinellas Park, FL 33782). Dispatched advised complainant daughter was inappropriately touched by another female patient while she was at PEMHS.
My passion for dance transitioned into high school and college. My role as a cheerleader in high school aided in the maintenance of my physical and mental well-being. I feel most empowered when I am performing on stage, and when I am
Dance as really become a part of theatre I am starting to feel comfortable with. It is not just the part I worry about because it goes with singing and acting. I want to make dance an artform that I am good at. If I could make my dancing be at the same level as my singing I would feel so much better. I know I have a long way to go, but right now I am more comfortable than I have ever
Dance has been apart of my life ever since I can remember. When I was young, before I officially started my dance training, I was always up on my feet and moving. No matter what hobby I took interest in (whether it was cheerleading, musical theatre, or jump rope), I would always find a way to choreograph little routines a show them to my friends and family. Even when my parents tried to put me in sports, I would do cartwheels and dance on the playing fields, completely oblivious to what was going on during the games. When I look back at how I started my dance training, I just smile and laugh because I was so naïve and unaware that it would become such a huge part of my life. In 5th grade I was put into my first dance class as a hobby. It happened because I watched the Disney Channel movie High School Musical and immediately fell in love with it. I showed the movie to my parents and told them, “This is what I want to do.” At the time I thought I excelled in both signing and acting and that all I needed were dance classes. So in 4th grade I was put into my first dance class and I began to scratch the surface of the basics of dance. What I didn’t know then is that dance would slowly but surely influence my entire life and