Community Youth Network Is a private non-profit agency at Grayslake, Illinois. This organization has helped families/Individuals with all sort of problems and still strives to help countless of families/Individuals from all over Lake County. The agency's mission is “To preserve and strengthen families while protecting children from abusive or high-risk situations.” It protects and cares for all their patients and their families. Community Youth Network is a private - nonprofit agency since they are a non-profit organization, they receive their funds in various ways. Occasionally, clients would pay with cash or insurance. Community Youth Network receives funds from the state and government, as well as grants. Since they do receive funds, …show more content…
These employees are in charge of the Intact family services, in which Mark helps in. Diane helps Mark out by making sure the other therapist are up to date and are checking in with their clients; Jita is in charge of three case managers. Community Youth Network has a billing specialist, and this specialist is responsible for receiving the customer's payments. There’s also an officer manager; this manager is in charge of making appointments and also to ensure patients needs are meet in case any of the other workers (therapists or case managers) are …show more content…
They work ages that range to three and all the way to ninety-nine. (Community Youth Network, 2017) They counsel families, groups, and individuals. Community youth network has several of services that are provided to meet an individual's, and families need. One of the services this agency provides is the Intact family services. The Intact family services are for families who may be at risk of having their family separated. Families are often referred by DCFS To receive these services. (Community Youth Network, 2017) The way that Community Youth Center runs the Alternative to Suspension (ATS) program is for students that receive a suspension from school for alcohol and drugs violations. This program works with the student take an assessment and receive counseling, or intervention or both. Another service Community youth center provides Teen precept group. The group of teenagers learns how to support each other and how to deal with their
Youth is willing to reside with caregiver after completing program. CM was informed youth has been on day and overnight passes with caregiver. Youth continues to meet with Ms. Coviello (therapist) for individual and group sessions. CM was informed that youth is on phase 3 in the program and will transition from program once IIC is in place. Youth shared with the team her excitement to return home and look for employment and alternative education programs.
The Boys and Girls Club of America is a non-profit organization that provides youth with after-school resources. The club's membership fees are only five dollars per a year to insure that every child has a right to join the club. The organization's goals are to make sure every child graduates high school and has life skills to become successful. The five programs (Education & Career; Character & Leadership; Health & Life Skills; The Arts; and Sports, Fitness, and Recreation) aim to give the child a core development to become prosperous.
The Boys and Girls Club (BGC) is a national non-profit organization that provides youth with the tools and skills they need to become healthy adults, responsible citizens, and effective leaders. The BGC was founded in 1860 by three women, Elizabeth Hamersley and sisters Mary and Alice Goodwin in Hartford, Connecticut. The BGC was initially named the Boys’ Clubs until 1990 they became the Boys and Girls Club. Their headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia. This organization was originally created to provide boys with a positive alternative to roaming the streets.
Primary clients and stakeholders involved in the program are: teens, parents, volunteers, schools the teen court coordinator Tamisha Fletcher, judges, Teen Court Advisory Board, City of Arlington officials, and the community service agencies who provide work for teens to complete community service hours. The program’s success depends on
fitness. Every duty that I performed at The Boys and Girls Club of America I
As an intern at the Juvenile Services Department, I have a caseload of youth that are participating in the program, I am responsible for conducting intake assessments with the child and the
As an intern at the Juvenile Services Department, I have a caseload of youth that are participating in the program, I am responsible for conducting intake assessments with the child and the child’s parent’s
Figure 1 shows the distribution of the 17-year-old service population (N = 14,019) by type and amount of CFCILS across the 3-classes. On average, all youth were recipients of 4.14 services (SD = 2.76). Youth were more likely to be recipients of academic support (55%), independent living assessment (53%), career (48%), health education (44%), housing education (42%), and budgeting services (40%). Youth were less likely to be recipients of mentoring (20%), postsecondary support (23%), employment (25%), and special education services (27%).
Youth and Young Adult Services (community agency/service): Office of Youth and Young Adult Services needs to provide effective, convenient, affordable drug abuse treatment for adolescents and their families (impact).
CPL used this pre-application time as an opportunity to develop programs for the various populations and keep track of attendance and feed back; in effect, making an argument for the necessity of the planned grant execution.
Community service programs for first time offenders allow nonviolent offenders and the community a chance to rebuild their relationship. Offenders are given the opportunity to make restitution to the community. The community gains labor force needed for project throughout the community. According to Thomas (2008), the criminal activity done by the offender should be addressed and wherever possible restore victims in some tangible way and offer opportunities for offenders (Thomas, 2008). Community service programs are supported by non-profit organizations that have developed partnerships with the department of
Berks County, Pennsylvania Community Health Needs Assessment. (January, 2013). Public Health Management Corporation, Philadelphia, PA. Retrieved from pdf/Commu
The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides significant help to those in need. The organization is a branch of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The organization’s initial goals were to provide humanitarian efforts and other relief during trying times. For example, many felt that the group was formed in response to the destruction caused by the American Civil War. Founder and the group’s first President, Clara Barton, believed that America should be prepared for future catastrophes, but there was widespread doubt that the nation would ever again experience anything as disastrous as the Civil War. Nonetheless, the organization was formed on
The purpose of this paper is to identify one health problem that is most prevalent in my community. Residential demographic information will be provided. I will use Milio's framework for prevention to analyze this health problem. Then, compare the health problem to Healthy People 2020 national goals. Lastly, I will introduce one long term goal and three short term goals with their interventions.
Our Community Service Program is mainly described as being a neighborhood watch program as well as a after school program. Our goal is to form a community collaboration to fight crime and minimize the student dropout rates. We plan to have police officers train our volunteers and choose areas to monitor in the neighborhood that are crime ridden. We will also work to add more police officers to those areas as well. Churches and schools will offer after school programs as well as tutors to help children succeed in