
Comparative Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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The quote “ although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” to me means that just because you are faced with bad times or problems does not mean you should surrender to them but can overcome them. I disagree with this quote because several literature’s have proven this to not always be true time and time again. There are two literature’s that show this well. One is Lord of the Flies and the other is Night. My opinion is based upon these books because in these two books it has more than one example about this quote. They went through challenges that seemed impossible and hard to deal with. They had trouble overcoming these challenges. This is why I chose these two books. To show the examples they had to go through. …show more content…

An example is Ralph one of the boys that the others started to lose faith in. Many turned their backs on him, starting with Jack. Piggy's troubles were the worst. He was chosen by the others to be a leader for them all. Once, he built a smoke signal to alert any ships that may be out in sea but Jack put out the smoke to go hunting. A ship appeared but left them because the smoke signal was no longer there. Another example is Ralph lost his friend Piggy during a fight between him and Jack, Ralph lost all support and was left alone to deal with the wilderness and the other boys alone. Another is how Roger assisted Jack in physical and mental abuse to all of the boys to gain total control of their group and they were then truly

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