
Compare And Contrast A Rose For Emily And A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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The short stories, "A Good man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Conner and "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner are fairly stunning; one story is around a grandma and her family fiercely killed by a wanton executioner, and the other story is around a woman who kills her beau and afterward rests next to his spoiling body. Both, the grandma and Emily are ladies of the old South; a general public with strict ideas about the privileged society and the desire of respectable conduct, stuck living in the past not able to acknowledge the adjustments in the present creating contortion from reality and their general surroundings, which makes them resort to great measures to increase individual wishes." In "A Rose for Emily," Emily Grierson, delineates the most customary character who tirelessly sticks with it throughout the years paying little mind to the numerous adjustments in her general public. As a living landmark to the past, she speaks to the conventions that individuals wish to regard and …show more content…

Amid the family's outing to Florida, the grandma chides her grandchildren to carry on affably, as she clarifies, "In my time, kids were more respectable of their local states and their guardians and everything else-individuals did right then" (407). As appeared in this scene, the grandma continually alludes back to the past with a specific end goal to convince others to act in ways she wants. Likewise, the Southern twisting came about because of individuals admiring the past and utilizing that as an instrument to control individuals' comprehension of the world. Without anyone else's input blinding herself from the world unwittingly, the grandma has the capacity escape from the upsetting reality in both the over a wide span of

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