
Compare And Contrast A Rose For Emily And Soldiers Home

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“A Rose For Emily” By William Faulkner and “ Soldiers Home” By Ernest Hemingway are to great short stories. If you ever read these short stories one might argue that both author used the Biographical and Psychological reading strategy to describe the dynamics of each main character throughout the storries. In “ A Rose For Emily “ the main character was a lady name MIss Emily who was born into a family that was very wealthy, she was describes as a small fat women who lives in a modernizing town full of people, they sees her as a distant women who lives in her past. In a “ A Soldiers Home” the main character Harold Kerbs is young man who has recently returned from the U.S Marines during World War 1, he returns back to his hometown and does not receive a warm welcome like every other soldier does. Kerbs is having a hard time adjusting back to his normal life in his hometown. The author use Psychological reading strategy to describe each main character because they both are facing mental challenges in there life and trying to find away to over come them. In the paragraphs below I will explain the authors Biographical and Psychological aspects of both chrcatcters and there mental illness in the stories. First, “A Rose for Emily” was written by William Faulkner on April 30th, 1930. The story begins narrating the death of Emily Grierson, a woman whose father had taken away her freedom. When Emily was about 30 years old, her father passed away. This situation left her frustrated

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