
Compare And Contrast American Independence And The Declaration Of Independence

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“The colonies are and of right ought to be free and Independent states.” Richard Henry Lee, expressed the resolution to congress many centuries ago . This brought troubles with Great Britain the colonial “Mother Country”, this also brought rage onto the colonist in the year of 1776. In order to deal with these conflicts peacefully, settlers organized something called the Constitutional Congress. This congress contained selected delegates, such as our founding fathers. The congress’ next order of business was to achieve Independence. Thomas Jefferson was appointed the position of the principal author concerning the Declaration Of Independence. The founding fathers provided step by step logic for american Independence, the preamble, declaration of natural rights, grievances, and the resolution of Independence in …show more content…

The document was introduced by the preamble. Colonists’ wanted to dissolve the political band with Britain, after being treated and taxed quite unfairly. The colonist were taxed with the stamp act, intolerable act, sugar act,)while also explaining the reasoning to the britain. In addition to the reasoning for wanting separation, beliefs, and the rights of the people were being addressed. Colonial and the Declaration Of Natural Rights are freedoms that upon birth are granted by the creator of god. Among these natural or unalienable rights, originally written by John Locke were life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness. The meaning behind this philosophy is that people have the right to live and feel safe,to be free as possible, and engage in activities leading to enjoyment and happiness. Along with this, Thomas Jefferson stated that all men were created equal, and could not be governed unless given permission. However, the main purpose of government is to secure the peoples rights. As the people they have the right to change or destroy the government if it becomes

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