Antigone vs. Marnie Piper
Stubborn (adj.): unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving, or difficult to manage or suppress. The characters Antigone from the play Antigone by Sophocles and Marnie Piper from the movie Halloweentown both show their tragic flaws of stubbornness. Antigone shows her independent personality by going against the Gods and buried her brother as Marnie fought with her mother and snuck away to the mysterious town of Halloweentown. Although Antigone and Marnie’s plots to their stories end differently, they both connect in relation to their tragic flaw. Antigone and Marnie show their first example of stubbornness by standing their grounds with a family member. In the play Antigone, Antigone’s sister Ismene did not believe
The beginning of the play begins with Antigone and her sister, Ismene. Antigone presents her plan of burying their brother, Polynices, whose body had been denied a proper burial by their uncle, King Creon, since in his eyes Polynices had been seen as an enemy to the city. Antigone wanted Ismene to accompany her, but Ismene immediately refused in fear of the consequences. Ismene states “We are women and we do not fight with men/ We are subject to them
The original play of Antigone was written 1000s of years ago but, this movie was made in the 1940s during the second world war. The French Government was controlled by Nazis, when showed the play, both the french resistance and the Nazi party loved it. When one analyzes the characters to this situation you find that Creon relates to the Nazi party and Antigone is like the French rebels. Antigone is like the rebels because she is going against the wishes of Creon and wants to give her brother a proper burial and Creon is like the Nazi party because it was his decision to make sure that his nephew got the punishment he deserved even if it meant going against his family values.
Excessive pride is one of Aristotle’s main reasons to be a tragic hero. Antigone showed persistence in burying her brother, for example the quote from the text “Is he not my brother, and yours, whether you like it or not? I shall never desert him, never”(39-40).Illustrates Antigone went through with honoring her brother whether Ismene wanted to help or not, Antigone would never leave her brother in such disrespect. To expand things, Antigone owned up to her deed without denial. The author wrote “I admit it. I do not deny
There may be many things for which a person is willing to fight. Nonetheless, there are very few for which a person will lay down their life. Freedom, justice, peace, and love are just some issues that most place a great value on. So, how far must we go to achieve these ideals that we so greatly crave in our world today? Some believe that passive action is the best and most moral way to achieve desired results, while others insist that forceful action quickly leads to a superior outcome. For instance, Antigone and Martin Luther King Jr. each fought against different injustices by utilizing nonviolent, but direct action. The two greatly felt the need for change, accepted the responsibility of their endeavors, and sacrificed their lives
Sophocles was a greek poet known for his greek tragedies, stories and plays popular all across Greece, and even have a strong influence on today’s culture. Tragedies, which was such a large form of amusement that men who were actors could get out of military service at the time. Sophocles is prominent for his plays: Ajax, Antigone, The Women of Trachis, Oedipus the King, Electra, Philoctetes and Oedipus at Colonus. Despite the many plays he has made, the ones being distinguish here are Antigone and Oedipus the King. Antigone and Oedipus were tragic heroes. It is beneficial to know that Oedipus is Antigone’s father and sibling due to him unknowingly marrying his mother, Jocasta, and killing his own father Laius, committing
One has the capability to determine from right and wrong and having the determination to stand up for what one believes in, no matter what the price is. In Sophocles’ Antigone, a written dramatic play, Sophocles portrays the theme that at times of one’s life, it is necessary to follow moral law and ignore political law. In the play, a determined and courageous woman named Antigone is loyal to her beloved brother by granting him a proper burial and having to suffer the consequences for revolting. Throughout Antigone, several incidents occurred where the political law was of no importance to the individual. Conflicts between Antigone and Ismene and then with Creon and Antigone are examples of the theme. The theme also ties with the
In the modern world today, heroines seem to be the ones that stand up for what they believe in. Many modern day people in the society, think that standing up for what you believe in can be weak and a sign of unworthiness. These days, people can get offended about anything and have to find a reason to disagree with you. In the old days, when you stood up for what you believed in you were punished, and seen as a peasant. In two stories, of two very brave women, the audience sees different perspectives and sides of striving to stick up for what they,, as individual people, believe in, no matter the circumstances, life or death. In comparing both of these heroic women, Malala and Antigone, we will see how modern day heroics are relatable in many
Antigone and Martin Luther King, Jr. both fought against unjust laws, nevertheless, Antigone was sticking up for a proper burial for her brother, while Martin Luther King, Jr. was fighting for the minority group to be treated equally to everyone else. Though both were fighting for what was right, Antigone was only impacting her brother’s life and Martin Luther King, Jr. was impacting minorities all over that were being treated with unjust.
The opening events of the play Antigone, written by Sophocles, quickly establish the central conflict between Antigone and Creon. Creon has decreed that the traitor Polynices, who tried to burn down the temple of gods in Thebes, must not be given proper burial. Antigone is the only one who will speak against this decree and insists on the sacredness of family and a symbolic burial for her brother. Whereas Antigone sees no validity in a law that disregards the duty family members owe one another, Creon's point of view is exactly opposite. He has no use for anyone who places private ties above the common good, as he proclaims firmly to the Chorus and the audience as he revels in his victory over Polynices. He sees Polynices as an enemy to
different from one another as tempered steel is from a ball of cotton. One is
A moral or lesson is a message that is conveyed to be learned from a story or an event. The Kite Runner follows the story of Amir and his childhood living in Afghanistan with his friend Hassan and Antigone is a greek mythology play about Antigone the daughter/sister of Oedipus, the play follows Antigone on a journey of family loyalty. Works of literature often teach the readers a social or moral lesson, both The Kite Runner and Antigone teach a very well build lesson that affects the reader's moral ethics. Both works of literature have similar themes throughout the storyline that changes the reader's understanding which leads both the novel and the play to have two very different morals.
Between Antigone and Malala Yousafzai we see many similarities about them. Malala is a young woman who stands up for girls education. She was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman, but managed to survive, and is now a Nobel Peace Prize winner and continues to fight for women's rights. She wrote an inspiring novel named, “I am Malala,” which shares how she grew up in an unsafe country, but she used her determination to change the world and make it a better place. Antigone and Malala were in completely different situations, but the way they handled those situations were very similar, as they both stood up and protested for what they believed was right, valued their morals, and were strong, independent women.
In the Greek play Antigone writer Sophocles illustrates the clash between the story’s main character Antigone and her powerful uncle, Creon. King Creon of Thebes is an ignorant and oppressive ruler. In the text, there is a prevailing theme of rules and order in which Antigone’s standards of divine justice conflict with Creon’s will as the king. Antigone was not wrong in disobeying Creon, because he was evil and tyrannical. The authors of “Antigone: Kinship, Justice, and the Polis,” and “Assumptions and the Creation of Meaning: Reading Sophocles’ Antigone.” agree with the notion that Antigone performs the role of woman and warrior at once. She does not only what a kinswoman would, but also what a warrior would do.
often cause contradictory emotions and actions. One prime example relates with the theme of family
In the beginning, the author introduced Antigone and her sister, Ismene, and their argument about their recently deceased brother. The argument involved Antigone wanting to bury her brother and Ismene encouraging her to obey the King's orders. Antigone ignored her sister's advice and chose to