
Compare And Contrast Between 18 And Lev 18

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The juxtaposition in table 3:1 provides us with a better perception of the text, which helps with understanding the parallelism between both traditions and how they overlap. Sherwood refers to Lev. 18 and 20 as “mirror-images of one another.” Wold indicates that the relationship between both chapters is that they “deal with the same laws,” but Lev 20 adds the “death penalty” whereas Lev 18 only talks about the kārēt. Therefore, the main concern of this legislation is concentrate in the taboos associated with certain sexual relationships.
The differences/similarities between Lev 18 and Lev 20 are shown in: 18:19 and 20:28, 18:20 with 20:10, 18:21 alongside 21:2 – 5, 18:22 besides 20:13, and finally, 18:23 together with 20:15 – 16. These differentiations are well analyzed by Grünwaldt. Biblical commentators have argued that Lev 20 describes the punishments for the violations in chapter 18. Grünwaldt suggests that this is due to the parallel tradition, which means that various thing can be said in this juxtaposition. He writes, “Lev 18 is …show more content…

The Mishnah disagrees between Rabbi Judah and the Sages: “R. Judah said: A unmarried man should not herd animals, nor should two unmarried men share a single blanket. The Sages permit it.” The Jewish laws follow the Sages because the Talmud says, ‘Israel is not suspected of homosexuality.’” The question for Rabbis is often articulated as: “What does the Torah says about homosexuality?” Classical Rabbis have interpreted both passages (18:22 and 20:13) as a prohibition against homosexuality. They understood that the text bans anal sex between males, as well as all forms of homosexuality. However, within the Rabbinic Literature, these verses have very little legislation. If homosexuality is prohibited, then, how one deals with the verses in question in light of this lack of

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